Tag: ageing

5 Foods To Limit If You Don’t Want To Age Faster

5 Foods To Limit If You Don’t Want To Age Faster

[ad_1] Ageing is a natural part of life's journey. As time passes, our bodies undergo changes that can affect the appearance of our skin. But don't worry! While we can't stop the ageing process completely, there are ways to slow it down. Some people turn to cosmetic procedures to maintain a youthful look, but did you know that your diet also plays a role? Your lifestyle, including your dietary choices, influences how quickly you age. If you're concerned about maintaining a youthful appearance and healthy skin, we've put together a list of five foods you might want to cut back on to help slow down the ageing process.Also Read: Eat Less Live Long: Cutting Down On Your Calories May Slow AgeingSugar foods can affect your skin in the long term.Photo Credit: iStockHere Are 5 Foods To Limit If ...
Say Goodbye To Wrinkles: 5 Foods To Ditch Right Now

Say Goodbye To Wrinkles: 5 Foods To Ditch Right Now

[ad_1] We can't control how our body ages as we grow older. But the worst part is that it starts showing on the skin first. While we can't stop ageing, we can definitely reduce or delay the telltale signs on the skin. What if we told you that the key to keep looking young might also lie on your plate? While many of us focus on consuming foods that promise anti-ageing benefits, we often overlook the foods that are the real culprits; they make you age faster and can even lead to premature ageing. These should be discarded first to tweak our diets. Befriend the enemy and then find allies.While there are many foods that can accelerate the skin ageing process, we have identified some of the common ones that most of us are guilty of indulging in often.Also Read: This Anti-Ageing Potion Will Ke...
This Anti-Ageing Potion Will Keep Your Skin Looking Young – Recommended By Expert

This Anti-Ageing Potion Will Keep Your Skin Looking Young – Recommended By Expert

[ad_1] We all want to stay young, or at least look young. We try all kinds of cosmetic products to delay the signs of ageing on our skin. But we forget that the most potent elixirs are born from nature's simplicity. In a world filled with complex beauty routines and expensive anti-ageing treatments, we found an age-defying detox drink that is a reminder that sometimes, nature is the secret to lasting beauty. According to dietitian Manpreet Kalra, this drink not only slows down the signs of ageing but also nourishes your skin inside out.Also Read: 6 Anti-Aging Foods That Could Keep You Young and BeautifulWhat are the causes of ageing skin? As we enter our 30s, our skin begins to age and it starts showing on it too. True beauty is more than skin deep. It begins with the choices you make, i...
Sweet Sin: Sugar Could Make You Age Faster, Here’s How

Sweet Sin: Sugar Could Make You Age Faster, Here’s How

[ad_1] Ageing is a natural process and it happens to all of us. As time goes on, we can't help but focus on what ageing means for each of us. Many of us fear it, some of us resist it but the truth is that we can't get away from it. But everyone doesn't age at the same pace and it reflects differently on different individuals. The need of the hour is to age gracefully and maintain the best of health for any given age. Our food, lifestyle, environment and mental health are all factors that contribute to the way we age. Some of us associate ageing with the limitation of physical and mental capacities. Others focus on the visible aspects of ageing, the way it changes the way we look. At a biological level, the ageing process involves damage at a cellular and molecular level. Today we are loo...