Tag: Aeolus satellite crash

Fiery death! Satellite Aeolus set to crash onto Earth

Fiery death! Satellite Aeolus set to crash onto Earth

[ad_1] The European satellite Aeolus is heading towards Earth and will crash soon. The spacecraft's mission is coming to an end, and as planned, it will hit Earth's atmosphere and descend naturally to its fiery death.ESA's Meticulous Planning for Controlled Re-entryThe European Space Agency (ESA) is overseeing the Aeolus satellite's controlled re-entry, as it completes its five-year mission in space. Aeolus was launched before any rules for disposing of satellites at the end of their life were made. So, its natural return through our atmosphere was always part of the plan once it ran out of fuel. ESA has been carefully planning and analyzing a series of maneuvers to control Aeolus's descent as much as possible. They are doing this for the first time and have divided the re-entry attempt...
Giant Aolus satellite set to plummet earthward! Spectacular fireball expected

Giant Aolus satellite set to plummet earthward! Spectacular fireball expected

[ad_1] For the past five years, a the Aeolus satellite has been gracefully orbiting the Earth, hovering at an altitude of 200 miles. However, its fuel reserves now are nearly depleted, and a combination of solar activity and the Earth's atmosphere is now pulling the massive space object towards our planet at a steady rate of approximately 0.6 miles (1 km) per day, according to The Sun report.Anticipated crash-landing dateAccording to current forecasts, the Aeolus satellite is expected to make its final descent and crash land on Earth next Friday. The carefully coordinated descent procedure is set to commence on Monday, 24th July, when a series of initial maneuvers will guide the craft from its current altitude of 174 miles (280 km) to 155 miles (250 km). Subsequently, it will descend fu...