Tag: advanced polarimeters

NASA PACE mission to take flight in 2024, aims to unveil Earth’s atmospheric mysteries

NASA PACE mission to take flight in 2024, aims to unveil Earth’s atmospheric mysteries

[ad_1] NASA PACE mission is all set for its 2024 launch. NASA is set to launch the Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, Ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission with the aim of enhancing our understanding of Earth's atmosphere. Advanced polarimeters will be employed to study the interplay of light, aerosols, and clouds, contributing to a deeper comprehension of their impact on air quality and climate. Aerosols, encompassing tiny particles like smoke, dust, and pollutants, may appear inconspicuous, yet they play a crucial role in influencing our climate by absorbing and scattering sunlight, determining the amount of solar energy reaching Earth's surface.PACE's Ocean Color Instrument (OCI)The PACE mission will not only analyze aerosols but also explore the color of the ocean. The Ocean Color Instrument (OCI),...