Tag: 2x videos

YouTube 2x playback speed now made easy! Just press and play

YouTube 2x playback speed now made easy! Just press and play

[ad_1] Are you one of the people who like to watch the video at a speed that is above normal? Then this feature under testing at YouTube may come in handy for you. According to the YouTube experiment page. it is now experimenting with a new gesture feature that enables you to long press on the video player, which will make the video speed go 2x faster.Being a frequent YouTube user, sometimes it is just easier to increase the speed of the boring parts, but at the same time it does not let you miss the important parts. With the new feature speed being simplified, we can finally get to enjoy our YouTube videos without using the current infernal system. About the new YouTube featureEarlier, to hasten the speed of videos on mobiles or computers, you needed to go to the controls and then set...