Nutritionist Shares High-Protein Pancake Recipe For Healthy Indulgence


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. However, due to our busy lives and workload, most of us end up skipping our breakfast. A quick sandwich or a packet of cookies is what we reach out for in such situations. But what we do not realise is how important it is to start off your morning with a healthy breakfast. We agree that mornings are the most stressful hours of the day, which make it all the more necessary for you to whip up a healthy and yummy breakfast. Also, did you know a plateful of healthy breakfast can assist in weight loss? Yes, that’s true. 

Also read: 11 Best Pancake Recipes | Easy Pancake Recipes

While strolling through the umpteen breakfast options, our eyes ended up on the stack of goodness – pancakes! Multiple layers of fluffy pancakes served with your favourite toppings of berries, fruits, nuts and honey. Worried about your health? Don’t worry nutritionist Nupuur Patil has a delicious solution.  The health expert shared a yummy recipe to prepare high-protein pancakes which will take your taste buds on a joyous ride and will take care of your health as well. Now if you have been following a gluten-free diet, don’t fret because this can’t and won’t stop you from indulging in your favourite breakfast dish.  Watch Nupuur Patil’s high-protein and gluten-free pancake recipe: 

High-Protein And Gluten Free Pancake Recipe: Ingredients 

Egg whites (beaten): 3

Cassava flour: 1 cup 

Overripe banana: ½ 

Vanilla essence: 1 tsp

Isolate whey protein powder: 2 scoops

Cinnamon powder (optional): 1 tsp

Milk of your choice. Nutritionist Nupuur Patil prefers almond milk. 

High-Protein And Gluten Free Pancake Recipe: Method

Step 1: Beat the egg whites in a bowl until they become fluffy.

Step 2: Empty some cassava flour into the beaten eggs, followed by 1/2 mashed overripe banana. Mix the ingredients well with a whisker. 

Step 3: Now, add vanilla essence, cinnamon powder, and some whey protein. Pour some milk of your choice to achieve a pancake batter consistency. 

Step 4: Pour 2-3 spoonfuls of the mixture into a heated pan, greased with a few drops of grass-fed clarified butter (desi ghee). Cook it on both sides until they become golden brown. 

Top it off with berries like strawberry, blueberry, blackberry, cranberry, and strawberry among other things. You can also pour a teaspoon of honey or maple syrup.


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