Now, an AI tool to write your dating profile


Online dating is not easy. Even before you can get to see the potential matches in your area on Tinder, Bumble, and other dating apps, you first have to clear two critical obstacles — first, clicking good pictures of yourself, and second, writing a catchy bio. While both are tricky in their own right, you can at least click pictures in nice locations or with pets to make them look aesthetically pleasing but there is no substitution for good writing skills. That’s what used to be true, anyway. With the rise of AI, there is a tool for everything you do online. And it was only a matter of time before someone created an AI app that helps write your bio on dating profiles. Let us check out LoveGenius.

What does LoveGenius offer?

Writing a good bio is crucial to find good matches. As you and your personality cannot represent your profile online, the two things that you have to draw people’s attention to are the pictures and the bio. Assuming you have figured out the pictures, the bio part is tricky because, within 100 words, you have to write something that makes your potential matches swipe right on you. That’s a very small window. And that’s where LoveGenius comes in.

The platform claims that using generative AI, it can write bios that will significantly improve your chances of getting a match online. This can really be helpful if you’re someone who struggles to express yourself through text or you’re someone who finds it difficult to come up with funny and interesting sentences. When we tested out the platform, we found that it only takes about 5 minutes to prepare bios.

How does LoveGenius work?

Once you go to the website, you will have to answer three sets of questions. The first is basic and it asks your gender and your location. Then you have to write two things that make you happy. And finally, you have to pick one out of eleven questions that describe you better and answer it in your words. That’s it. Once you’re done, you let the AI do its magic. It takes a couple of minutes and comes up with 5 different dating profile bios. You can select any one of them you like or do it all over again for better suggestions. Once you do like a bio, simply copy it and paste it into your online dating app.

There is also a premium version that creates your entire dating profile by customizing “ the tone of voice, your dating goals, and more” as well as offering you more variations. It also lets you easily transfer the data to your dating app. The platform claims a 4.7X increase in matches after using their bio. The cost for the premium dating profile is $2.99.


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