NASA says 2 MASSIVE asteroids, including one that is 55-foot wide, nearing Earth today


After 4 gigantic asteroids including one that is 1500-foot, dubbed 2006 HV5, passed Earth on Wednesday, there are two other asteroids (though not that massive!) in the queue nearing the planet today, April 27, 2023. Are these asteroids dangerous? Well, not all the objects in outer space nearing Earth, including asteroids and comets, pose a threat to the planet. The only time of concern will be when these objects are too large and the chances of their collision with planet Earth are very high. Also, these asteroids have a nasty habit of coming in out of the Sun and the glare prevents space agencies like NASA from locating them till they are almost near Earth. By then, it may be too late to take any action to stop them.

In the case of the two asteroids nearing Earth today, the danger is not serious even though they will be getting too close to Earth for comfort. Here is what NASA has informed about the asteroids, their speed, distance to Earth and more.

58-foot asteroid 2023 HU4

The US space agency via Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has informed that a huge 58-foot asteroid named 2023 HU4, which is almost of the size of a house is currently moving at a rapid speed of 28116 kilometer per hour and will make its closest approach to Earth at a distance of 528000 kilometers on Thursday, April 27, 2023.

Other asteroid zooming towards Earth today

According to the information shared by NASA, another asteroid which will be making a close approach to the planet is 2023 HK3. The size of this rock is between 6.8 meter and 15 meter in diameter. The asteroid will be nearing Earth by travelling at a speed of 22896 kilometers per hour.

It is always better to keep an eye on every object out in space that wanders too close to earth as as it can prove to be dangerous. Therefore, in order to stay alert and be prepared to avoid any incident and situation of an asteroid collision with planet Earth, NASA keeps an eye on the movement of asteroids, their speed, how close they will come to Earth, and more.

The research organisation uses its telescopes and observatories like NEOWISE to track and study asteroids. It also uses a variety of ground based telescopes like Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) located in the Antofagasta Region of Atacama Desert in Chile for the same.


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