NASA and PDC boost global resilience against landslide hazard with innovative technology


NASA and the Pacific Disaster Center (PDC) have joined forces to enhance global awareness and response to landslide hazards with the integration of NASA’s Landslide Hazard Assessment for Situational Awareness model (LHASA) into the DisasterAWARE platform. Landslides pose significant risks to communities worldwide, resulting in loss of life and extensive damage annually. By leveraging LHASA’s capabilities, DisasterAWARE users gain access to a robust tool for identifying, tracking, and responding to landslide threats promptly.

Developed over years of research and testing, LHASA utilizes a machine learning model that integrates various data, including ground slope, soil moisture, and real-time precipitation data from NASA’s IMERG product. This comprehensive approach allows LHASA to generate landslide “nowcasts,” providing maps of potential rainfall-triggered landslides within a given region over the past day. By rapidly assessing high-risk areas and providing critical information to disaster response teams, LHASA facilitates proactive measures to mitigate risks and save lives.

The integration of LHASA into DisasterAWARE marks a significant milestone in global disaster resilience efforts. PDC’s DisasterAWARE platform, utilized by various disaster management agencies and organizations worldwide, serves as a vital tool for early warning and risk assessment across multiple natural hazards. By incorporating LHASA’s landslide monitoring capabilities, DisasterAWARE enhances its effectiveness in delivering life-saving information to decision-makers and communities.

Through open-source data sharing and collaboration, NASA and PDC aim to empower vulnerable communities with accessible tools for disaster risk reduction. The partnership expands LHASA’s reach, enabling tens of thousands of DisasterAWARE users to benefit from its capabilities. Teams in regions prone to landslides, such as El Salvador, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic, have already leveraged LHASA to assess hazards during rainy seasons, demonstrating the practical impact of this collaboration on disaster preparedness and response.

As NASA and PDC continue to advance their collaboration, they reinforce their commitment to leveraging science and technology for global disaster risk reduction. The integration of LHASA into DisasterAWARE underscores the importance of innovation and collaboration in enhancing global resilience to natural hazards. Through ongoing efforts, these organizations strive to further enhance awareness and response capabilities, safeguarding communities and livelihoods worldwide.

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