NASA alert: Speedy 130-foot asteroid on its way towards Earth! Danger looming?


Could this space rock which is headed for Earth be a danger? Here’s what NASA says about this asteroid.

NASA recently conducted its first planetary defense test against potential world-killing asteroids. Named the Double Asteroid Detection Test or DART test, the mission’s aim was to smash a spacecraft into the Dimorphos asteroid to deflect it away from its path. Although this test was successful, it is yet not known whether the asteroid was actually deflected. So, the Earth is not yet safe from asteroid impact. In fact, a huge asteroid is already on its way towards Earth, NASA has warned.

Asteroid 2022 SU21 key details

NASA has warned that an asteroid named Asteroid 2022 SU21 is headed for Earth and is expected to fly closely past the planet tomorrow, October 7. It will make its closest approach to Earth tomorrow at a distance of just 1.2 million kilometers. NASA says it is already on its way towards Earth, travelling at a staggering speed of 71712 kilometers per hour, which is nearly 5 times as fast as a hypersonic ballistic missile!

According to, Asteroid 2022 SU21 was discovered just last month on September 27. It belongs to the Apollo group of asteroids and takes 731 days to complete one orbit around the Sun. During this trip, its maximum distance from the Sun is 391 million kilometers and its nearest distance is 84 million kilometers.

China to also conduct planetary defense test

China is all set to conduct its very own asteroid deflection test by 2025. This is being done in a bid to equip themselves against potential asteroid dangers in the future, as part of the planetary defense system. The Chinese National Space Administration will research the means of planetary defense systems that are capable of deflecting asteroids off their course, according to a statement given by Wu Yanhua, deputy director of the China National Space Administration to China Central Television.

According to, China is also developing a simultaneous asteroid sample return and comet rendezvous mission which is all set to launch before 2025.


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