NASA alert! 110-foot asteroid 2023 LV moving at a blazing pace towards Earth today


Asteroid 2023 LE2 passed between Earth and Moon yesterday at an uncomfortably close distance. Thankfully, it safely passed the Earth. However, Earth may not be in luck every time! Due to the immense destructive potential of asteroids, space agencies like NASA monitor asteroids to ensure the safety of our planet. While most asteroids reside in the asteroid belt, some undergo changes in their orbital paths. However, their movements are far from predictable as these monster rocks display irregular rotation and erratic motion.

The influence of Jupiter’s gravitational force and occasional interactions with other celestial objects play significant roles in disrupting asteroid trajectories. These disturbances can lead to asteroids being ejected from the main asteroid belt. In some cases, these altered paths may bring them perilously close to the paths of other planets, including Earth. Hence, tracking these asteroids becomes crucial to determine potential risks.

Now, a huge asteroid the size of an airplane at 110-foot, is set to make a close approach to Earth today. Is it a matter of concern? NASA explains.

Asteroid 2023 JD2 details

According to the asteroid tracking information provided by NASA, Asteroid 2023 LV is expected to make a close pass by Earth today, June 18. It will approach at a distance of approximately 2.83 million miles. This particular asteroid is hurtling through space at an astonishing speed of 28846 kilometers per hour, NASA’s CNEOS data suggested.

Recently, on June 10, 2023, astronomers detected the presence of an asteroid called 2023 LV, classified as part of the Amor group. This classification is named after the prototype of this group, 1221 Amor.

It is crucial to understand that when an asteroid approaches within a distance of roughly 4.6 million miles from Earth and has a diameter exceeding approximately 150 meters, NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office designates it as a Near-Earth Object (NEO) and raises an alert. Fortunately, the size of Asteroid 2023 LV does not pose an immediate risk as a potentially hazardous asteroid. Still, even a minor alteration in its trajectory could lead to a catastrophe.

NASA’s tech behind asteroid warnings

The Center for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) at NASA is responsible for monitoring all known near-Earth objects to assess their potential impact risk. To detect the danger, NASA has established the NEO Observations Program, which is tasked with finding, tracking, and characterizing NEOs, and identifying those that may pose a hazard to Earth. Ground-based telescopes and NASA’s NEOWISE spacecraft are currently used to locate NEOs.


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