Microsoft Ignite: Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang says generative AI will be bigger than mobiles, internet


Microsoft is conducting its annual developer’s event called “Microsoft Ignite 2023” during which the company announced its partnership with Nvidia to start various AI projects. The CEO of Nvidia Jensen Huang took to the stage to make some significant statements about the capabilities of generative AI. He is in an especially good place to speak on generative AI as the California-based tech firm that he leads has made $6 billion in profit due to its AI offerings. Now, it’s joining Microsoft to bring new innovations. Check out what Huang said about generative AI.

Nvidia’s statement of generative AI

Generative AI has just started emerging in creating original content in terms of text, images, music, and more. More capabilities and advancements of the technology are yet to be explored. Huang said, “Generative AI is the single most significant platform transition in computing history,”

Later in his speech, Huang added that the technology has the capability to outperform personal computers, mobile devices, and the internet itself. He clearly stated that AI could be “ bigger than the internet.” Recently, Nvidia made significant advancements in developing its generative AI chips and has earned billions of dollars in profit as it had made that call early and therefore caught all its rivals napping.

With a significant AI boom now happening and all competitors jumping on the bandwagon, the rivalry has become fiercer. The Verge reported that the company will be announcing its new AI chip sometime in 2024 which is expected to increase the revenue further.

Also, Nvidia is partnering Microsoft in bringing a variety of AI projects which includes the AI foundry service that will provide a boost to businesses to create custom generative AI models. The capabilities of AI have already reached various industries and now it’s extending it to healthcare, entertainment, and more. Huang said, “NVIDIA’s AI foundry service combines our generative AI model technologies, LLM training expertise and giant-scale AI factory. We built this in Microsoft Azure so enterprises worldwide can connect their custom model with Microsoft’s world-leading cloud services.” Now, we are looking forward to what the partnership brings to the IT sector and tech business. “


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