MEGA ALERT! 250-foot asteroid zooming towards Earth at 29376 kmph, says NASA


How fascinated are you of space and the objects in it? From galaxies to planets to asteroids and meteors, there are a lot of things to explore. Researchers and scientists are keeping a close eye on each and every object possible to collect some new information. Similarly, scientists also track objects which can be dangerous for planet Earth. One such object is an asteroid. NASA, via Jet Propulsion Laboratory also informs about the asteroids that are zooming towards the planet. And as per the latest details, a 250-foot giant rock is on its way to Earth. Here is all you need to know.

250-foot asteroid 2020 BV14

The massive 250-foot asteroid named 2020 BV14 is all set to fly past planet Earth on Sunday, April 16. According to the details provided by NASA’s JPL, this building-sized asteroid called 2020 BV14 will make its closest approach to Earth at a distance of 6.81 million kilometers and is travelling at a speed of 29376 kilometer per hour. Will it be dangerous? No. As per the current trajectory on which it is travelling, the asteroid will pass by the planet, albeit at very close quarters.

However, NASA keeps on tracking these asteroids to ensure that, if due to any reason, the asteroids change their trajectory enough time may be obtained to send a warning to the public at large. In order to keep an eye on the asteroids and track their movement, NASA has deployed several Earth and Sky-based technologies like telescopes, satellites, and more.

Asteroid facts

Do you know that there are currently 1278661 known steroids, according to NASA? All these asteroids vary in their sizes with the largest at about 329 miles (530 kilometers) in diameter to less than 33 feet (10 meters) across. Asteroids are classified under three categories- Main Asteroid Belt, Trojans, and Near Earth Asteroids. The near-Earth asteroids have orbits that pass close by that of Earth.


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