Meet Bard, the latest AI chatbot by Google! Will it rival ChatGPT?


In the last few weeks, Microsoft’s partnership with OpenAI has been making the headlines. Microsoft has announced it is stepping into the AI segment in a big way and now, Google has unveiled its own rival AI chatbot, Bard. The new conversational AI chatbot is based on Google’s patented technology Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA). The company revealed that this chatbot will feature next-generation language and conversation capabilities. It has been released to some “trusted” developers and will be expanded into the public realm soon. So, what is Bard all about and will it be able to rival the abilities of ChatGPT? Find out.

Google unveiled its latest AI chatbot in its blog post by CEO Sundar Pichai where he mentioned, “It’s a really exciting time to be working on these technologies as we translate deep research and breakthroughs into products that truly help people. That’s the journey we’ve been on with large language models”. It also revealed that two years ago, it began expanding its conversational chatbot capabilities through LaMDA and Bard is the next installment of the same tech.

Google unveils Bard, an AI chatbot

Pichai said that AI is the most ‘profound’ technology Google is working on at present and it was one of the key reasons why the company was re-oriented six years ago. He also said that in this period Google has invested heavily in AI and come up with Google AI and DeepMind to further AI-based advancements. And this is the reason why Google has now unveiled Bard, the company’s first conversational AI chatbot.

What is Bard

“Bard seeks to combine the breadth of the world’s knowledge with the power, intelligence and creativity of our large language models. It draws on information from the web to provide fresh, high-quality responses. Bard can be an outlet for creativity, and a launchpad for curiosity, helping you to explain new discoveries from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to a 9-year-old, or learn more about the best strikers in football right now, and then get drills to build your skills,” Pichai explained.

Bard is also being looked at as Google’s answer for ChatGPT, which is currently impressing individuals and enterprises alike with its capabilities in simple language conversation. Revealing the next steps with Bard, Pichai revealed that starting next month, Google will begin onboarding individual developers, creators and enterprises so they can try the generative language API, which will be based on LaMDA for now but a range of models in the near future.

Will Bard rival ChatGPT

Clearly, history has shown that Google looks to dominate every segment that it ever enters. So, as far as the AI segment is concerned, since this may impact the crucial Google Search business, Sundar Pichai and team would be looking to stop rivals in their tracks. Also, Google has been into AI since around 2017 and in those years, when not many were in the field, presumably, it has gained superior knowledge that it can now deploy.


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