Losing Hair While On A Diet? Here’s Where You Could Be Going Wrong


The weight loss journey is not as easy as it seems. It needs time, patience, and dedication to bid adieu to stubborn love handles. Alongside, the process also comes with some side effects – one such being excessive hair loss. If you are on a weight loss diet, then you must have already noticed the thinning of your hair. Believe it or not, it has a lot to do with the food you are eating. A typical weight loss diet includes foods that are low in carbs and calories, and that’s where you might be going wrong. Let’s elucidate further.

Weight Loss And Hair Fall: What Is The Major Reason For Hair Loss While On A Diet:

– Lack of nutrients:

Our body needs adequate protein and calories to nourish the hair follicles to stay healthy, but while restricting food intake, we often end up lacking nutrients in the body. This directly affects our metabolism, preventing blood and oxygen from reaching the hair follicles. This phenomenon further weakens the roots of our hair and leads to hair fall.

– Emotional stress:

As mentioned, we restrict various food intakes while on a diet. This often causes emotional and physical stress, leading to hormonal imbalance, which directly affects our hair follicles. This mainly happens when people go on a strict diet to shed weight in less time.
Also Read: Struggling With Hair Fall? Strengthen Your Hair With These 5 Natural Foods


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How To Prevent Diet-Related Hair Fall:

According to health experts, the only way to prevent hair fall while maintaining a healthy diet is by planning a steady weight loss process. Most of the time, people experience excessive hair loss when they try restrictive and crash diets. Let’s look into some easy ways to prevent hair fall:

1. Don’t give up on calories totally:

We need to understand that our body needs some amount of calories regularly to create energy. Completely giving up on them makes you feel stressed and fatigued, further affecting the hair’s health.

2. Avoid restrictive diets:

Health experts always suggest that our body needs every type of nutrient in some amount to function smoothly. Restricting one particular nutrient may end up creating a deficit in the body.

3. Avoid crash diets:

It is rightly said that “slow and steady wins the race” – this stands true for your weight loss journey too. Crash diets may show immediate results, but in the long run, you will end up experiencing several side effects and associated health hazards.
Also Read: 5 Essential Vitamins To Include In Your Diet For Faster Hair Growth


Photo Credit: iStock

The Bottom Line:

Considering all the above factors, we understand that hair fall while on a diet is a temporary problem that can easily be fixed with a balanced, healthy regime. However, for people with genetic problems and issues like PCOS, it is always advised to consult an expert and be under medical supervision to control hair fall.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.


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