Let Samsung Bixby speak in your voice; know how


In a surprising update, Samsung has introduced a feature for its Bixby assistant. Users can now make their phones speak in their voices, but the results are raising eyebrows for being unsettlingly robotic and eerie.

Apple, through its soon-to-be-launched iOS 17 update had previously introduced a personal voice feature aimed at aiding individuals with speech impairments. This feature requires users to spend about 15 minutes reading various phrases into their iPhone’s microphone. The idea was to help those who might have difficulty speaking due to various reasons, such as medical conditions or temporary vocal limitations. Apple approached this with sensitivity, acknowledging the significant effort it entailed and the importance of accessibility.

Samsung’s Quick and Quirky Custom Voice

Samsung’s take on this concept, however, differs significantly. Buried in the Bixby app’s settings menu, the custom voice option is now available. To access it, users must navigate through the Bixby app’s settings under Language and voice style settings, where they will find the custom voice option tucked away at the bottom.

A Bizarre Collection of Sentences

The process of creating a custom voice with Samsung is notably shorter and less thoughtful than Apple’s approach, as per a Tech Radar report. Users are only required to read ten sentences. These sentences are awkwardly constructed and not phrases that one would typically use in everyday conversation. For instance, the tenth sentence users must read is, “The hungry purple dinosaur ate the kind, zingy fox, the jabbering crab, and the mad, noisy whale.” This peculiar sentence leaves users bewildered with its odd narrative involving a “zingy” fox meeting a grim fate at the hands (or jaws) of a hungry purple dinosaur.

The introduction of such a feature by Samsung has left many users perplexed. Samsung’s version appears more like a novelty, with results described as robotic and unsettling. As a result, questions are being raised about the purpose and usability of this unconventional addition to the Bixby assistant.


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