Know how to create AI images with Google search using text descriptions


In the world of AI, generating images from words has become quite a trend. You might have heard of tools like DALL-E and Midjourney, which turn text into pictures. Well, Google, the search giant, is now joining the party with its Search Generative Experience (SGE) feature. In August 2023, Google unveiled the SGE feature. Originally, it was all about giving answers on the search page. Now, it can make pictures using AI.

Here’s how it works:

1. Get Started: First, you need to opt into the SGE feature, but it’s only for folks in the US who are 18 or older.

2. Describe Your Idea: Visit and type what you want to see in the search box, like “create an image of a flying car. “

3. See the Magic: Hit Enter or click the search icon, and you’ll see up to four AI-generated images in the results.

4. Edit and Save: Click on one of the images to see it up close. You can change your description or add more details by clicking the Edit button. When you’re satisfied, click “Export” to download the image or save it to Google Drive.

Tips for Using Google’s SGE: To make the most of this cool feature, remember these tips.

Make your query a prompt. Start with action words like “create,” “draw,” “make,” or “generate” to get the AI image generator going.

Let your imagination run wild. SGE is not just for serious stuff; it’s a fun way to explore your creativity. Try making funny, surreal, or impossible images. Need ideas? Check out our AI art prompt ideas article.

Be respectful. While it’s fun, SGE is not for making harmful or offensive content. If you try, it won’t work, and it’ll ask you to try something else.

With Google’s SGE, you can turn your ideas into AI images right in your search results. It’s a new, creative way to use Google Search, making it more exciting and imaginative than ever before.


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