Jupiter pulls shocking Halloween surprise! Spooky ‘Face’ captured by NASA’s Juno mission


During its 54th close flyby of Jupiter, NASA’s Juno spacecraft made a chilling discovery that’s sure to send shivers down your spine! In the vast expanse of Jupiter’s northern region known as Jet N7, Juno captured a striking snapshot. This eerie image reveals a landscape of turbulent clouds and storms along the planet’s terminator – the line that separates day from night on Jupiter. Under the soft illumination of “moonlight,” this mysterious picture provides an intriguing glimpse into the intricate workings of Jupiter’s atmosphere. Well, to cut things short, NASA’s Juno spacecraft caught Jupiter making a spooky “face” just in time for Halloween!

A Spooky Surprise on Jupiter?

It’s a phenomenon often observed by Juno, where cloud formations on Jupiter appear to conjure images through pareidolia – the tendency of astronomers to perceive familiar shapes in random patterns. In this particular case, an uncanny face-like figure emerges from the clouds, adding an element of spookiness to the cosmic scenery.

This captivating image was crafted by citizen scientist Vladimir Tarasov, using raw data from Juno’s JunoCam instrument. At the time of capture, Juno hovered approximately 4,800 miles (about 7,700 kilometers) above Jupiter’s cloud tops, positioned at a latitude of roughly 69 degrees north.

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Lightning Mystery on Jupiter

In other space-related news, Juno has achieved a remarkable feat by capturing Jupiter’s electrifying lightning activity for posterity. Unlike Earth, where lightning bolts originate from water clouds and are more prevalent near the equator, Jupiter’s lightning springs from clouds containing an ammonia-water mixture and primarily manifests near the poles. It casts an otherworldly glow on the enigmatic surface of the planet. This discovery enhances our understanding of the celestial mechanics at play on this neighboring gas giant.

On December 30, 2020, during Juno’s 31st close approach to Jupiter, the spacecraft captured a mesmerizing sight: a vortex near the planet’s north pole, aglow with the radiance of a lightning bolt. Citizen scientist Kevin Gill meticulously processed the raw JunoCam data in 2022, resulting in a spellbinding visual treat.

At a latitude of approximately 78 degrees and soaring at an altitude of around 19,900 miles (32,000 kilometers) above Jupiter’s stunning cloud layers, Juno embarked on this awe-inspiring encounter, reminiscent of a cosmic witch on her broomstick, delving into the mysteries of the unknown.


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