How I Found Relief From Gas And Bloating With Luke Coutinho’s Anti-Bloat Tea


As a food lover with a knack for home remedies, I have always believed in the power of natural ingredients to heal and nourish the body. My latest find: An anti-bloat infusion, crafted by the renowned health expert Luke Coutinho. From time to time, I have struggled with bloating and gas, especially after meals. The solution began with a simple realization: bloating was more than just discomfort – it was a message from the body to pay attention to its needs. With this in mind, I set out to find a remedy that not only provided relief but also addressed the root causes of bloating.

Luke Coutinho shared the remedy for gas and bloating – an anti-bloat tea, the recipe for which seemed quite easy. In his own words, it is “a simple yet powerful anti-bloat infusion you can make at home for gut bloating. Try this; it works like magic.” I did try it and amidst the aroma of simmering spices, I found solace.
Also Read: 3 Silly Mistakes That Make You Bloat After Meals – Expert Reveals

What causes bloating in the stomach?

Bloating, that uncomfortable feeling of fullness and tightness in your belly, is your body’s way of saying something isn’t quite right. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including swallowing excess air while eating or drinking, eating too quickly, consuming gas-producing foods like beans or carbonated beverages, and certain digestive disorders like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), lactose intolerance, or constipation. In some cases, bloating may also result from underlying medical conditions such as celiac disease or gastroparesis.

How to ease bloating?

Understanding the root cause of bloating can help in finding effective relief and promoting digestive health. While it’s always best to address the root causes of bloating, like what you eat and how you eat, a soothing home remedy drink can provide welcome relief.

What tea is best for bloating?

For bloating relief, herbal teas with fresh herbs and spices are often recommended. A herbal tea relaxes digestive muscles, easing gas and bloating. It can also aid digestion and reduce inflammation in the digestive tract. Opting for these natural remedies can offer gentle relief from bloating, promoting comfort and digestive wellness.

Now that I have convinced you to try a herbal tea for gas and bloating, let me tell you all about the anti-bloat tea recipe shared by Luke Coutinho.
Also Read: Feel Bloated After Meals? 5 Nutritionist-Approved Drinks That May Help

How To Make Herbal Tea For Gas And Bloating | Anti-Bloat Tea Recipe:

So, what’s in this magical potion? It’s simple. Just gather a few ingredients: mint leaves for a burst of freshness, ginger for warmth, fennel seeds for soothing comfort, ajwain for digestive aid, and jeera for added flavour. Boil these ingredients together for a few minutes, then let them simmer to release their healing properties. Strain the infusion into a cup, add a sprig of fresh mint for that extra touch, and sip it warm.

Luke Coutinho suggests having this tea two to three times a day, 30 minutes after meals. But remember, this isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s essential to listen to your body and see if the infusion agrees with you. “Take it if it suits you. Do not if it doesn’t. This is not a replacement for medical treatment or advice,” Luke Coutinho warns.


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