Greg Brockman issues joint statement after OpenAI fires Sam Altman


Earlier today, Sam Altman, the cofounder of OpenAI, was fired from the position of CEO. Alongside, Greg Brockman was also asked to step down from his position as the chairman of the board. Following that, Brockman also resigned from the company from his role as president. Now, the two former employees of OpenAI have issued a joint statement on the actions of the company.

The company cited the reason behind Altman’s sacking as him not being “consistently candid in his communications with the board”.  While Brockman was asked to continue his position as the president of OpenAI, he was removed from the board. The official statement also announced Mira Murati as the interim CEO of the company. 

Greg Brockman, Sam Altman issue joint statement

Brockman posted on X and said the following: Sam and I are shocked and saddened by what the board did today.

Let us first say thank you to all the incredible people who we have worked with at OpenAI, our customers, our investors, and all of those who have been reaching out.

We too are still trying to figure out exactly what happened. Here is what we know:

– Last night, Sam got a text from Ilya asking to talk at noon Friday. Sam joined a Google Meet and the whole board, except Greg, was there. Ilya told Sam he was being fired and that the news was going out very soon.

– At 12:19pm, Greg got a text from Ilya asking for a quick call. At 12:23pm, Ilya sent a Google Meet link. Greg was told that he was being removed from the board (but was vital to the company and would retain his role) and that Sam had been fired. Around the same time, OpenAI published a blog post.

– As far as we know, the management team was made aware of this shortly after, other than Mira who found out the night prior.

The outpouring of support has been really nice; thank you, but please don’t spend any time being concerned. We will be fine. Greater things coming soon.

Afterwards, Altman also posted from his X account and said, “i love you all. today was a weird experience in many ways. but one unexpected one is that it has been sorta like reading your own eulogy while you’re still alive. the outpouring of love is awesome. one takeaway: go tell your friends how great you think they are”. 


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