Government warns smartphone users of severe security threat; here is what you must do


The Indian government has issued a list of safety tips for smartphone users to safeguard themselves. Check out what to do and what not to do.

With the increasing dependency on the internet and technology, cybercrime too is increasing. Hence, it is very important for internet users to be cyber aware. Cyber criminals often find ways to lure users to click on malicious links by promising them fake rewards and cash. Recently, the Indian government has issued several security threats for Windows users, Zoom and others. The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology has released an advisory on ‘Best Practices’ that can protect smartphone users from cyber attack. Here are the things that you must remember when downloading apps on your smartphone or browsing internet.

How to protect yourself from cyber attack?

– Avoid downloading harmful apps from unauthorised sources and always use official app stores like Google Play Store and App Store.

– Always check the review of apps, number of downloads, user reviews, comments and “ADDITIONAL INFORMATION” section before downloading any app even if you’re installing an app from the official play store.

– While downloading an app, always verify app permissions and grant only relevant permissions.

– Do not check the “Untrusted Sources” checkbox to install side loaded apps in settings.

– Install Android updates and patches everytime a new update rolls out.

– Never visit un-trusted websites or open untrusted links comes via unsolicited emails and SMSs.

– Always click on URLs that clearly indicate the website domain.

– Keep Installing and maintaining updated antivirus and antispyware software.

– Use Safe Browsing tools, filtering tools (antivirus and content-based filtering) in your antivirus, firewall, and filtering services.

-Be aware of shortened URLs, such as those involving and tinyurl. Only click on URLs that indicate the website domain.

– Install and maintain updated antivirus and antispyware software.

– Consider using Safe Browsing tools, filtering tools (antivirus and content-based filtering) in your antivirus, firewall, and filtering services.

– Exercise caution towards shortened URLs, such as those involving and tinyurl.


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