Google Play Store takes RADICAL step! Lets Spotify users choose their payment methods


Google Play Store now allows Spotify users to choose their method of payment. Here is all you need to know.

The issue of the 30 percent commission from apps and games purchases on the Google Play Store has long plagued developers and their income. However, things are changing with Google’s User Choice Billing feature, wherein users on Android can now choose what platform will they choose to make payments. And Spotify is the first app which will allow users to choose their mode of payment while buying plans or subscriptions.

Spotify is the first partner for Google’s User Choice Billing program, wherein Android users will make purchases using the payment options they prefer. While it may not affect the user directly, it will help developers like Spotify earn more profits from the revenue they get directly from the consumers. The in-app purchases made via the Google Play option takes between 15 percent and 30 percent of the earnings.

Spotify now lets you choose payment option

Note that the User Choice Billing option will still require the developers to share a cut of their app sales and purchases with Google, but the higher profit will go to the developer themselves.

For developers, this is good news and should encourage more of them to develop special features on Android. “Spotify has been publicly advocating for platform fairness and expanded payment options for years. We believe that fair and open platforms enable better, frictionless consumer experiences that also empower developers to imagine, innovate, and thrive,” says Spotify on its blog post.

“Google has taken a bold step to help level the playing field, but this is just the beginning. We’re looking forward to testing, learning and iterating a perpetually improving experience for our users in markets all around the world,” adds Spotify.

Over the next few months, it is expected that more third-party app developers will allow users to make payments via their own payment systems. Meanwhile, Apple restricts all apps and games on its App Store to make the payment via the Apple Store.


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