Google Maps color palette now available for Android Auto; check what changed


Google Maps has become the most essential app to travel anywhere within any city, state, or for that matter, any country these days. Whether you have to travel to far routes or you have to check the routes with heavy traffic, Google Maps is perfect to move freely on roads. Now, Google Maps has introduced a significant visual update. Google Maps color palette has been revamped and it is now available on Android Auto as well. Know what has been changed in your on-road go-to partner so that you can benefit from it:

Google Maps color palette revamped

According to a report by 9To5 Google, the recent update in Google Maps replaces the traditional warm colors with a colder palette. Google Maps color palette now has a mint shade for parks and forests and transitioned roads to a sleek gray. These changes have brought some usability improvements.

However, these changes may present a difficult experience for users accustomed to the previous aesthetic. It will take some getting used to. As with most things Google, you have to lump it. Expectedly, on the positive side, it will be much easier to navigate on roads once the users get used to it.

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For those who are not aware, this updated look is not limited to Android Auto; it has been widely rolled out across the web, Android, and iOS platforms. Google has introduced various fresh updates for Maps in the last few weeks which include Immersive Views for routes, more detailed navigation, and transit filters.

The new color scheme extends throughout the map and various parts of the user interface on the Android app. Text, the blue navigation line, and the direction card at the top of the UI have all undergone color adjustments to align with the refreshed palette.

One notable change involves the use of a lighter shade of green for parks and nature areas. It creates a more distinct contrast with the gray roads. This adjustment allows Google to use white for street crossings, enhancing visibility at more zoomed-out levels. Additionally, dashed trail paths in natural settings are less prominent with the new color palette.

Buildings and structures now adopt shades of gray or light yellow based on their prominence. It contributes to a more dynamic visual experience. Freeways, on the other hand, feature a much darker gray with blue undertones.

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