Go Plastic Free! Nagaland Minister Temjen Imna Shows ‘Organic’ Packaging


The peril of using plastic in our daily lives has been highlighted several times now. Single-use plastic has been banned and thus we have seen plastic straws replaced with paper or bamboo ones. Amid all these environmentally-conscious moves, it is also time to rethink plastic bags as packaging materials. Recently, Nagaland Minister Temjen Imna Along took to Twitter to share a video on these lines. He reposted a video by a blogger which showed ‘plastic-free’ and ‘organic’ packaging being used in Nagaland. Take a look:

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The post was shared on the occasion of International Plastic Bag Free Day on Monday, July 3. The Nagaland Minister asked in his tweet, “Aaj bole toh World Plastic Bag Free Day hai kya? [Is it World Plastic Bag Free Day today]” In the 35-second video shared by Temjen Imna Along, a food blogger showed us an insight into the plastic-free organic packaging that is very popular in Nagaland. He said that plastic bags were rarely found in the North-Eastern state and it was mostly a combination of banana leaves and bamboo strips used to package fruits, vegetables and the like.
Internet users showered appreciation for this idea of using bamboo leaves and bamboo shoots for packaging. Many of them felt that organic packaging should be implemented by other states as well. Take a look at some of the reactions:

What did you think of the organic packaging from Nagaland? Tell us in the comments.


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