Gaganyaan mission test flight on Saturday; Know how ISRO will conduct TV-D1 tomorrow


Gaganyaan mission test flight: ISRO has been planning the Gaganyaan mission for a long time and now it will finally launch its first uncrewed test mission dubbed as the Gaganyaan TV-D1 mission. The test flight is scheduled for tomorrow October 21, 2023 at 8 a.m. Indian time, and it plans to test the crew escape system for the official Gaganyaan mission. Know how ISRO will carry out the drill of the Gaganyaan test flight in this brief guide.

Gaganyaan Mission test flight launch:

  • ISRO reported that it will be conducting an in-flight Abort Demonstration of the Crew Escape System (CES) tomorrow at 8 a.m.
  • The test launch will be supported by a newly developed test vehicle along the Crew Module (CM) and Crew Escape System (CES). The Gaganyaan mission also aims to test various separation systems.
  • The Gaganyaan mission test flight will recreate a situation where the rocket has to stop during its climb, just like what might happen when Gaganyaan is flying at Mach 1.2.
  • The test vehicle will be launched from Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota.
  • At 11.8 kilometres, the HEM firing will be activated
  • Then, the crew escape system phase will begin in which the booster will be separated and splashed into the ocean.
  • Then at 16.8 kilometres, coasting will take place during which the CES and crew model will prepare for separation.
  • Then ISRO will activate Apex Cover Separation in which the CES and crew model will be finally separated.
  • The crew model will fly down to the ocean till its final descent with the main parachute.
  • Lastly, the CES will splash down into the ocean 14 kilometres away from the crew model.

Gaganyaan mission

The Gaganyaan mission is ISRO’s first manned project that will take humans 400 kilometres above Earth for three days, and bring them back safely by landing in the Indian Ocean. As of now, the mission payloads are in different stages of development and ISRO plans to conduct a series of tests before the official launch.


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