Fiery asteroid rushing towards Earth; terrifying rock speeding at a SCORCHING 92115 kmph


Could this speeding asteroid pose a threat to Earth? NASA has revealed how shockingly close it will come to Earth.

In case you didn’t know, space is full of celestial objects, out of which only a few have been discovered. Asteroids are some of these mysterious objects. Most of them can be found orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter within the main asteroid belt. Although they are found millions of light years away, some get knocked out of their orbits and make a close trip to Earth. Now, NASA has warned that an astonishing asteroid is on its way. How do they do that? NASA keeps a watch on these asteroids by studying data collected by various telescopes and observatories such as the Pan-STARRS, the Catalina Sky Survey and the NEOWISE telescope.

Asteroid 2022 WG1 key details

NASA has issued an alert about an asteroid named Asteroid 2022 WG1 which is headed straight for Earth today, November 22. According to NASA, this speeding asteroid will come fearfully close close to the Earth today. It will be just 1.7 million kilometers away from Earth at its closest approach.

While its close proximity is a worry, another astonishing thing about it is its staggering speed. NASA clocked it at a scorching 92115 kilometers per hour, which is nearly 6 times the speed of a hypersonic ballistic missile! Asteroids do not travel at this extreme velocity, generally.

NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office keeps a check on these Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) for any potential collision with Earth and declares them as Potentially Hazardous Objects if they come within around 8 million kilometers of Earth.

According to NASA, the Asteroid 2022 WG1 belongs to the Apollo group of asteroids.

NASA warns of possible asteroid impact in 2185

“The highest risk of impact for a known asteroid is a 1 in 714 chance of impact by an asteroid designated 2009 FD in 2185, meaning that the possibility that it could impact then is less than 0.2 percent. The Sentry Impact Risk Table, which is maintained by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Center for NEO Studies, is updated continuously as new asteroids are discovered and known asteroids are further observed,” the research organisation said.


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