Elon Musk’s X does U-turn, adds headlines to article links! But you may not like it; check out the new tweaks


Elon Musk had removed the headlines from article links from X (formerly Twitter) last year to make the post look more appealing. However, later in November, Musk promised that the headlines would be back on the platform in the upcoming updates. Now, X has finally introduced an update in which users can see headlines on the article links on the post. But, as per reports, the headlines do not appear to look similar to the previous version as long headlines may not show the full text. And yes, you may not like it much.

Article links headlines on X

According to The Verge report, X has introduced some tweaks to the app during which the headlines in article links have made a comeback after a year. On the web version of the app, the headline appears directly over images linked to the page. This will provide users with a better understanding of what links they want to open and what kind of content will be present. 

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Many users may benefit from the comeback of headlines in the article links, however, it’s not the same as before.  In some instances where the headline or title is too long, the text appears to be shorter or trimmed. but, we can say that it is an improvement as it will give a clear image of what the article link is about. Although the earlier, version made the post appear shorter, but again it was confusing for users. As of now, the change is being reflected for some users but it is still unsure till when it will be rolled out to iOS and Android app versions. 

Over the months we have seen frequent changes in the app and the current dispute with advertisers has made the platform stay in theheadlines for months now. Now, it will be interesting to see how Musk plans to keep its users hooked to the platform. 


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