Double solar storms to hit Earth at any moment today! Will it spark an internet apocalypse?


Yesterday, it was reported that a double solar storm strike was expected on the Earth. However, it did not happen. Turns out, the coronal mass ejection (CME) clouds that were moving towards our planet, are moving slower than previously thought. However, the danger is not over! It is likely that it will strike today at any moment. Many are also fearing whether this solar storm strike can cause an internet apocalypse, destroying the internet infrastructure altogether and leaving everyone with dead smartphones.

Dr. Tamitha Skov, a space weather scientist, has posted her 5-day forecast for solar storms on her Patreon account and said, “This week our Sun steps up the activity! We have two solar storms on their way to Earth (which should hit any time now), plus some fast solar wind. In fact we are already experiencing some disturbance ahead of the storms”.

She further added that even after this event has passed, the outlook for the next week is still concerning as both the radio noise and the risk of radio blackouts will increase as sunspot region AR3359 is showing big solar flare potential.

Is an internet apocalypse on the cards?

Many netizens online have expressed concern about whether this double solar storm can take down the internet. In theory, a solar storm can damage the repeaters in under-sea internet cables and block internet connectivity, however, that would take a severe storm with G5-class intensity or more.

The latest prediction for the incoming solar storm is that it is likely to be minor or moderate. Such solar storms can still cause radio blackouts and disrupt GPS signals, although they are not intense enough to affect mobile networks or damage satellites.

So, while there is no risk of an internet apocalypse this time around, these solar storms can cause significant damage. For now, we can just wait and hope for the best.

Know about the NASA STEREO spacecraft

The Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) is a pair of twin spacecraft that was launched in 2006 to study the Sun and its effects on Earth. The two spacecraft, STEREO-A, and STEREO-B, are in different orbits around the Sun, which allows them to view the Sun from different perspectives. This provides scientists with a stereoscopic view of solar phenomena, such as solar storms and CMEs.


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