Delhi and Kolkata in SNOW! Man uses AI to create astonishing artwork


A man has shared photos of snow-clad Delhi and Kolkata icons under snow created using AI art generator tool.

ChatGPT has been blowing minds across the internet and so are a bunch of various AI art generators. The idea of you typing in a random description to see the software create an artwork that describes it is simply mindblowing. This has allowed countless people to go online and try their hands at creating some amazing piece of artwork, without even touching the paintbrush. One such person has shared images of Delhi and Kolkata imagined in a completely different avatar.

A Twitter user going by the name of Angshuman Choudhary has shared a bunch of photos that he created using an AI art generator tool called MidJourney. MidJourney is a free to use tool that is available for free but there is a waiting list for newcomers to try. The free version gives limited tries but you can buy their paid plans to get an unlimited access to the service. Plus, you need to sign up via a Discord account.

Man creates surreal AI photos of Indian cities

The photos Choudhary shares are unbelievable. The theme is snow clad icons of Delhi and Kolkata. In his first post, the images show the majestic India Gate draped in snow, which has made a lot of people take notice. The AI tool has cleverly rendered the snow layers on top of the monument as well as the roads and trees surrounding it. It almost feels photorealistic. He also created another photo of an Old Delhi gate covered in snow and it too looks beautiful to behold.

He doesn’t stop there though. He then goes on to create similar artworks from icons of Kolkata. No yellow ambassadors on snow-clad streets here but it shows the old building of North Kolkata covered in snow, with trams and cars covering the streets.

What is even more astonishing is that these tools also work on generating the mood in the picture well. We tried the same in a couple free to use AI art generators and the results are equally good.

Twitter users were quick to find issues with the artwork created by Choudhary. One user wrote, “The first image is a facsimile of London which ofcourse is unsurprising. The red sandstone in the second looks incongruous with the snow at least to my eyes !” Another user wrote in appreciation, “Delhi resembles Kashmir to some extent…i suppose that’s cuz Mughal architectural influence…” Some, however, opposed the idea of snow in Delhi. “Interesting, even for someone who’s not a snow fan. But I’d rather stick to reality. The snow would change local culture and worse, would inflict misery to a lot of people. I wonder how many people would find beauty in these images though,” wrote one user.



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