Deepfakes to deep scams, check the 5 biggest AI threats listed by Mikko Hypponen


The most recent tech revolution sparked by artificial intelligence has brought immense benefits, including freedom from repetitive, mind-numbing tasks. However, this new technology has also become a threat to humanity at large with many experts fearing an AI-generated apocalypse. Not just that, there are other dangers lurking. The reason behind that is the increasing use of AI by hackers and scammers to trick people and empty their bank accounts. Mikko Hypponen, a cybersecurity expert, who has been devoted to fighting scams and malware for years, has voiced serious concern over these AI threats. Check out the top 5 AI threats that we may encounter in the near future according to Hypponen.

5 biggest AI threats

According to a TNW report, Hypponen said, “The AI revolution is going to be bigger than the internet revolution.” However, the five below-mentioned threats, including deepfakes and deep scams, can create much fear in the digital age and will have a huge impact on society.

Deepfakes: This is the biggest emerging threat in the world of artificial intelligence as people can steal identities through voice modification, AI video or photo editing, and much more. As per a recent report by Onfido, deepfake frauds skyrocketed 3000 percent in 2023. Hypponen said, “It’s not happening in massive scale just yet, but it’s going be a problem in a very short time.”

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Deep scams: This term includes a wide range of scams, which can take place with the help of generative AI tools and LLM models. The scary part of a deep scam is that it can range from investment, romance, banking, and multiple scamming threats. This may sound like deepfakes, but it is not. It does not necessarily refer to creating fake videos or photos, it refers to the massive impact – the number of people impacted by deep scams can rise from just a few to an infinite number.

LLM malware: With the help of artificial intelligence, computers can now create their own set of malware. These malware take advantage of GPT via an OpenAI API to generate tailored codes for each target.

Zero-days: With the help of AI, tricksters can detect zero-days, which is a term used to describe vulnerabilities in a fully developed code which is not yet discovered. Finding weaknesses in a code can create problems for organizations as they will be exposed to malware, disrupt operations, stealing of sensitive data, and much more.

Automated malware: As of now, scammers and hackers use manual ways to trick people, however, there is a chance that it may be converted into automated malware campaigns which could create a higher level of cybersecurity threat.

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