Craving Cream Rolls? Watch How The Delicacy Is Made In The Video Inside


Prepare to be transported back in time as we dive into the nostalgia of cream rolls. A video, shared by a person, identified as Chirag Barjatya, who fondly reminisced, “I used to eat this with tea during my college days,” has taken Twitter by storm. In the footage, we are treated to a front-row seat in a food factory. The video unveils the entire process, from the beginning of flattening the dough to cutting it into enticing stripes, moulding the dough, and then turning it into tubes of pure delight. Cooled to perfection, the cream roll shells are filled with creamy decadence. The artisans inject swirls of cream into each crevice, creating a symphony of flavours that are simply irresistible.
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The tweet garnered attention on the Internet, igniting a whirlwind of reactions and sentiments. 
Among the sea of responses, one user couldn’t contain their excitement, exclaiming, “These are delicious. Haven’t had them for a while.” 
Also Read: How To Make Street-Style Cream Roll In Just 20 Minutes

Another follower echoed the sentiment, “Copy that… remains a favourite till now.” It seems their affection for cream rolls has stood the test of time, remaining a cherished indulgence throughout the years.

However, not everyone shared the same sentiment. A person seemed dissatisfied and voiced their disappointment, recalling their unfavourable encounters with cream rolls. “Never liked them, the cream inside was always so bad,” lamented one dissenter.

Amidst the lively discussion, one person appreciated the level of hygiene maintained while preparing the cream roll. The tweet read, “Only gloves were missing, else standards of hygiene were maintained.” Their attention to detail couldn’t be missed.

On the other side of the spectrum, a critical observer remarked, “Can you see the flies moving around in some shots?” 

As the virtual conversation unfolded, it became evident that cream rolls have the power to elicit a range of emotions and opinions. Whether it’s a longing for the past, a steadfast devotion, or a touch of scepticism, one thing remains certain: cream rolls have made a lasting impression on the taste buds and memories of many.
What is your opinion about cream roll? Share it with us in the comments below. 


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