Chandrayaan 3 mission at this critical stage now; know what’s coming


After the Russian spacecraft, Luna-25 crashed on the lunar surface, people are now worried about the Chandrayaan 3 landing. Are we going to see history repeat itself or will India succeed this time? That stays a mystery until August 23 when we all will be able to witness the spacecraft landing on the lunar surface. While there are various complications involved in landing, there are some scientists giving us insights into a few critically important challenges that the spacecraft may encounter. Experts say that changing the spacecraft’s position from horizontal to vertical for landing will be a huge challenge. Let’s check it out in detail.

Chandrayaan 3 spacecraft position

According to an ANI report, space strategist P.K. Ghosh said, “One of the biggest things that are there is that it has got to get the spacecraft from a horizontal position to a vertical position. That is difficult. All these aspects have to be looked into.” After showing concerns about the Luna-25 spacecraft crash, Ghosh mentions that having a smooth lunar landing is not as easy as it seems and we should not take anything for granted when it comes to any kind of space exploration. One small difficulty can hamper the whole mission.

On Sunday, the spacecraft conducted the final deboosting operation and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) announced that the spacecraft is fit to land on the moon’s surface on Wednesday at 18:04 IST.

The space strategist further added, “This is a process in which you are trying to get the spacecraft into a circular orbit and now it is almost circular. The perigee is just about 25 kilometres. This is the second of the deboosting, orbit-adjusting manoeuvres. Finally, on the 23rd you will see that it will start coming down.”

Ghosh explains what might have gone wrong for Luna-25, earlier it was reported that the spacecraft has speeded up and it will land on August 21, however, while orbiting manoeuvres on Saturday, the spacecraft faced some difficulties and the landing was delayed for Wednesday. However, it suffered a massive crash.

Now, it is hoped that India does not have to face any difficulties while landing and that the objective of the mission is achieved as the scientists had planned.


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