Can Frankie Be Healthy? With These 5 Tips, It Sure Can!


If you ask me, a frankie is like a blank canvas. You can add or reduce the composition of this beautiful art at your convenience. According to legend, a frankie is different from Kathi rolls and originated in Bombay. My earliest childhood memory of this dish is when I was 10 or 11, and my grandmother would prepare small frankie pieces for my brother and me when we would visit her. But she would make sure the frankie was made with healthy ingredients and used to load it up with veggies and meat. Now I understand its importance because its delicious taste makes it hard to stop at one. If you are someone who, like me, can’t resist tempting frankies, then fret not! We have compiled 5 easy ways to make your frankie healthier.

Also Read: How To Make Chilli Paneer Frankie: A Quick And Easy Recipe For Spice Lovers

Choose low-calorie wraps to make your frankie healthier.

Choose low-calorie wraps to make your frankie healthier.
Photo Credit: iStock

Here Are 5 Ways To Make Your Frankie Healthier:

1. Choose The Right Wrap

The first step to making your frankie healthier is by choosing the right wrap. Instead of tortilla or maida, choose whole wheat or multigrain wraps that are nutritious compared to refined flour varieties. Whole wheat and multigrain wraps are rich in fibre, which can help support healthy digestion. Choosing these wraps would also keep you full for a longer period.

2. Don’t Compromise on Veggies

Vegetables are the unsung heroes of any healthy, balanced meal. While preparing your frankie, make sure to include several vegetables. One trick you could use to incorporate more veggies into your frankie is to make it more colourful and visually appealing. Choose vegetables like bell peppers, onions, sweet corn, spinach, carrots, cabbage, lettuce, etc. Incorporating several veggies into your frankie would not just keep you full for a long time but also provide you with a variety of nutrients.

3. Protein It Up

Instead of adding ultra-processed frozen snacks to your frankie, opt for healthier, leaner protein options to enhance your eating experience. Add a layer of beaten egg to your wrap before adding grilled chicken, fish, or any other lean protein option of your choice. You can even add vegan and vegetarian options to your frankie like tofu, paneer, or chickpeas that offer ample protein without excess saturated fat.

Add lean protein to make your frankie healthier.

Add lean protein to make your frankie healthier.
Photo Credit: iStock

4. Be Mindful of Condiments

Just because you loaded up on veggies and meat in your frankie does not mean you can add unhealthy sauces to it as well. The choice of sauces and condiments can impact the nutritional profile of your frankie. Instead of putting a generous layer of creamy dressings and mayonnaise, choose healthier options that add flavour without any extra calories. Choose homemade yogurt-based sauces, hummus, salsa, or other condiments to increase the taste of your frankie.

5. Portion Control

While frankies can be extremely tempting, it is important to practice portion control to keep a tab on calories. If the wrap is large, consider splitting it in half. This practice is similar to eating off of small plates. You can also pair your wrap with a side dish like fresh fruit to add additional nutrients to your meal.

Also Read: Love Kathi Rolls And Frankie? Read On To Know The Difference Between The Two

Will you try these tips while making frankie? Let us know in the comments below!


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