Beware of WormGPT, the new AI tool that will make hackers happy!


Generative AI and AI chatbots have become a rage with millions of people widely utilizing them for sourcing solutions, or to even carry out conversations on a daily basis. With more such tools being developed and put out for everyone to use, it is hard to judge which tool is actually reliable or which AI tool comes with a warning sign. Surprisingly, there are some AI tools that can actually be used to launch cyber attacks on unwary people.

Recently, a new generative AI tool, something like ChatGPT, has been developed called WormGPT. The creator of the tool famously states that his tool is a direct enemy of ChatGPT as it doesn’t restrict any malpractice or illegal text generation.

But what is the threat that WormGPT poses?

Those of a criminal bent can use WormGPT to promote malicious activities. According to findings from SlashNext, the tool can generate phishing and business email compromise (BEC) attacks.

“This tool presents itself as a blackhat alternative to GPT models, designed specifically for malicious activities,” security researcher Daniel Kelley was quoted by as saying. “Cybercriminals can use such technology to automate the creation of highly convincing fake emails, personalized to the recipient, thus increasing the chances of success for the attack.”

By leveraging WormGPT’s chat memory retention and code formatting features, hackers can also easily craft advanced phishing emails that will improve the effectiveness of the texts and emails. In fact, cybercriminals will not even require any great proficiency to use WormGPT for malicious purposes.

WormGPT does not have any predefined boundaries for generating content like ChatGPT, hence, its potential can create a serious problem of cyber attacks and it will result in an increasing number of cyber scams and crimes.

What ordinary people can do to fight the use of these kinds of AI tools is to simply be wary at all times about emails that they receive or the chats they come across on social media or anywhere else. The best strategy is to never click or interact with anyone on the Internet who is a complete stranger to you.

Not just ordinary messages and chats, cybercriminals are also using AI tools to create AI-based videos that impersonate people, friends, or family members, to carry out conversations on platforms like WhatsApp in order to dupe people out of their money.


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