Bank account balance ZERO! Chinese app E-Movie cheats thousands of Bangladeshis


Hundreds of thousands of people have been cheated in Rajshahi by opening an account number with a minimum of Taka 2000 in the hope that they will get dollars if they buy movie tickets on a Chinese app, reported V News.

Their account balance has become zero and they are disoriented after discovering the fraud by the Chinese app.

An office was opened at Siroil Colony in Rajshahi Nagar to carry out these activities but the office has also been locked after the fraud was revealed, reported V News.

The victims reported that they were cheated using a Chinese app called E-Movie.

A man named Manik from Siroil Colony area of the city started promoting this app in Rajshahi, reported V News.

As per the rules, an account number has to be opened with a minimum of Tk 2,000 on the app. This money was to be used to buy movie tickets from different countries.

After buying the ticket, the profit was immediately transferred to the number of the account holder. But the money had to be converted into dollars to buy tickets, reported V News.

When money is sent to a specific number through bKash or other mobile financial applications, it is converted into dollars and appears in the user’s account number. However, the more money one opens the account number, the higher the profit rate.

If you open another person’s account number, the dollar will be added to your own account number. This app created a storm among the youth in different villages of Rajshahi from the middle of last October. In order to become rich overnight without doing any work, they opened account numbers with more money and entered the race to become big people, reported V News.

As per reports, one of the victims sold his motorcycle to open the account. Those who did it early took the money. Some have become owners of a lot of money.

The accumulated money is ‘cashed out’ through bkash or Nagad. Manik’s office announced a few days ago that the number of users of this app in Rajshahi city has crossed two thousand, reported V News.

Another victim Himel, from the suburbs of Rajshahi Nagar narrated that Manik explained to him and opened an account number by paying 12 thousand takas. Profit was also added to his account number. For several days, money could not be withdrawn from that account. Manik said that money can be withdrawn from February 12. But everyone’s account number was zero.

He further stated that a Chinese man named ‘Mu Ji Li’ sent a small message to everyone’s cell phones. It is said that if the 30 per cent amount of the money is deposited now, the money can be withdrawn from the account number along with the profit.

Himel said, after receiving this message, they all understood the loophole, reported V News.

Fahim, another youth from the same area, echoed Himel. He said he had two account numbers. One deposited USD 111 and the other USD 95. The account number has been zeroed since last Monday.

He said that asking to deposit 30 per cent of this money is also a new trap.

Meanwhile, Manik is no longer found. His phone is switched off. No one knows where Manik’s house is, reported V News.


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