Apple AI Tool: How it can impact your iPhone


Apple is said to be secretly developing its generative AI tool with plans for a significant AI-related announcement next year, according to a Bloomberg report. While the implications for current Apple devices, especially the iPhone, might not be immediately evident, the possibility of Apple delving into generative AI and chatbots is generating excitement among fans who have been waiting for a real game-changer iPhone for a long time.

The internal chatbot, that many are referring to as Apple GPT, is currently intended solely for employee experimentation and won’t likely be available for consumers. However, the new framework, dubbed Ajax, used to create large language models, could pave the way for exciting AI advancements, as per the Techradar reports.

Here are five potential ways Apple’s rumoured generative AI tech could enhance future iPhones:

1. Enhanced Siri: Apple’s voice assistant, Siri, has room for improvement especially with rivals like Alexa, Google Assistant, Cortana and others having improved so much. Leveraging generative AI, Apple could create a more conversational and intelligent Siri. Despite potential privacy concerns, Apple has been hiring experts in conversational and generative AI to work towards this goal.

2. Intelligent Health App: Apple’s iOS Health app is rumoured to receive machine learning-based improvements, offering personalised lifestyle recommendations based on health data. By integrating Ajax-generated chatbots, users could interact with their health data more intuitively, potentially even tracking moods through speech analysis.

3. Fitness Coaching Service: Codenamed Quartz, Apple’s rumoured coaching service aims to enhance exercise motivation, eating habits, and sleep patterns. Utilising Ajax’s capabilities, personalised coaching programs based on data from the Apple Watch could be developed, though it might be a paid service.

4. Smarter Camera: Apple has already integrated AI in its photo processing, and the generative AI advancements could automate photo editing further. Features like enhanced auto-edit tools and improved photo organisation might be introduced.

5. Powerful Search: Large language models’ ability to summarise vast amounts of information could elevate iPhone’s Search function. The improved search could handle more specific and conversational queries within various Apple stock apps.

In short, while the mentioned AI advancements hold much promise, the challenges of balancing user privacy and device capabilities remain. Apple’s commitment to both privacy and cutting-edge technology will undoubtedly shape the implementation of its rumoured AI tech in the future iPhones.


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