Alert! People are just realising, WhatsApp edit option does not edit image captions!


WhatsApp’s new edit button is a great way to fix typos or correct mistakes in your messages. You can just tap on the text, go to the3 dots given in the right corner of your screen, simply choose the Edit button and you’ll be able to edit your text. However, there is one thing you can’t edit with the button: photo captions. Oh yes, it does not work on video captions either.

If you send a photo with a caption, and you later realize that the caption or something else is wrong, you won’t be able to edit it with the edit button. You’ll have to delete the message and send it again with the correct caption. And that will raise a whole lot of questions in the mind of the receiver about your intentions.

This is because the edit button only works for text messages. Photo captions are considered to be part of the image itself, and they can’t be edited separately.

It’s important to keep this in mind when you’re sending messages with photos. Make sure to check your captions carefully before you hit send, or you’ll have to delete the message and start over.

WhatsApp edit feature was launched in May and it is considered to be one of the most important features as it saves users from so many problems and embarrassment.

Here are some tips for avoiding the issue of sending wrong or embarrassing texts:

1-Proofread your messages carefully before you send them.

2-If you’re sending a photo with a caption, verify it at least twice.

4-If you do make a mistake in a photo caption, you can always delete the message and send it again with the correct caption.

5-Please keep in mind that the edit message has a time limit of only 15 minutes after you send it.

By the way, always keep your WhatsApp app updated to the latest version in order to enjoy the benefit of all the latest features. Not just that, it will also ensure your WhatsApp account is able to enjoy the latest security updates that the app rolls out from time to time.


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