Aircraft-sized asteroid dashing towards Earth, clocked at a ferocious 38208 kmph


NASA and other space agencies have been monitoring a huge asteroid that is set to pass Earth tomorrow. Know its speed, distance, trajectory and more here.

NASA and other space agencies have been keeping a close eye on asteroids that pass near Earth, as these objects have the potential to be dangerous. The vast majority of asteroids can be found in the asteroid belt, a region of the solar system located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. However, some asteroids also have orbits that bring them closer to Earth. In recent years, there have been several close calls with asteroids that have passed close to our planet. However, due to the early detection and monitoring of these asteroids, scientists have been able to determine that they pose no danger to Earth.

NASA has now revealed that a similar asteroid is all set to pass the planet at ferocious speed. Here’s what the space agency said.

About Asteroid 2022 YD5

NASA has warned that an asteroid named Asteroid 2022 YD5 is charging towards Earth and is expected to pass by the planet closely tomorrow, January 12. In fact, this space rock is already on its way towards us travelling at a staggering speed of 38208 kilometers per hour. The asteroid will make its closest approach to Earth at a distance of just 3.1 million kilometers or 0.02114 astronomical units.

An astronomical unit (AU, or au) is basically a unit of length equal to the average, or mean, distance between Earth and the Sun, that is, 149,597,870.7 kilometers.

Asteroid 2022 YD5 is particularly concerning due to its sheer size. With a width of nearly 150 feet, this space rock is the size of an aircraft! Impact of an asteroid this size would cause regional destruction but would not be able to end life on Earth. However, it could still cause significant destruction to life and property if it crashed in densely populated areas.

These close calls with asteroids highlight the importance of continued technological development in asteroid detection and monitoring programs, which help to ensure the safety of our planet from the potential impact of these space rocks.


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