AI at Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2023


At the annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, which starts on January 5, 2023, artificial intelligence is expected to feature in abundance.

At the annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, which starts on January 5, 2023, artificial intelligence is expected to feature in abundance and include everything from not just cars, but even appliances and of course, robots.

However, this time the CES 2023 will not be virtual. The pandemic had forced it to go virtual in 2021. Then, keeping up with the lifting of lockdowns, it went hybrid in 2022. Now, everyone interested is hoping for a return to the good times that included packed halls that were long CES hallmarks.

“In 2022, it was a shadow of itself – empty halls, no meetings in hotel rooms. Now, (we expect) crowds, trouble getting around and meetings behind closed doors – which is what a trade show is all about,” Avi Greengart, an analyst at Techspotential told AFP.

From the sprawling Las Vegas Convention Center, parking lots to banquet rooms across the city to do business, CES will be spread over more than 18 acres (seven hectares).

On view will be the latest tech wizardry. What will that include?

Not just cars, CES will cover the entire transportation segment, which is now under the ambit of computing’s new frontier. This will include next generation autos, trucks, boats, farm equipment, and even flying machines.

Notably, cars now come with operating systems much like a smartphone or laptop computer and Accenture expects that by 2040 about 40 percent of vehicles on the road will need software updated remotely, says AFP. This will also include apps and online entertainment.

Electric vehicles enhanced with artificial intelligence will also be on display “in a big way,” Greengart said.

While all of that has to do with land transport, there will be something for those who are looking to take to the skies.What this is going to consist of are the so-called ‘personalized flying machines’.


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