AI appreciation day: A look into the transformative power of generative AI


If you have woken up to people celebrating ‘AI appreciation day’ and are confused about what it is all about, then you are at the right place. Artificial intelligence has come up in a big way this year. While the field of AI has existed for a long time, the hype around the subject among people started in real earnest in November 2022, when OpenAI made its AI-powered chatbot ChatGPT, a generative AI model, open to the public. Ever since then, this particular branch of AI has grown exponentially with big tech companies rushing to build their own AI research and development (R&D) divisions dedicated to it. Over the months, we have seen a number of chatbots appear such as Microsoft’s Bing AI and Google Bard, and likely more are in the works.

But interestingly, the AI appreciation day was first observed much earlier than all of this. It was first started by AI Heart LLC, an AI-based organization, to celebrate the achievements of AI in the past and to create more awareness about this emerging technology among people. The first time AI appreciation day was observed was in 2021.

AI appreciation day: A focus on generative AI

This year, the day is being celebrated by many corporations that are either AI-based or are looking to tap into its potential. And a special focus is on generative AI. If you are unaware of it, you should know that generative AI is a part of the field that focuses on creating chatbots that can respond to humans like a human. They can answer your questions, no matter how specific they are, and they can write an essay, a formal letter, or a computer program for you. They can also converse with you and become your friend. In fact, many business leaders believe that we are still scratching the surface of the potential of generative AI.

Speaking to HT Tech on the occasion of AI appreciation day, Ashish Singhal, CEO and co-founder, CoinSwitch said, “Generative AI has advanced to new levels of maturity and sophistication during the last two years, growing by leaps and bounds. Looking at the fast-paced business landscape; integrating and exploring AI is essential for individuals and organisations to capitalize on opportunities. As we look ahead, AI will be a game-changer, democratizing knowledge and transforming industries across the spectrum”.

How businesses plan to use generative AI

One easy implementation would be to use its capabilities in customer service. In fact, recently, the founder and CEO of Dukaan, Suumit Shah, announced on Twitter that he had fired 90% of his customer support team and replaced it with AI chatbots. While the move did not go well with netizens, it does show how the future might be shaping.

Another way many organizations are using generative AI is as “copilots”, as Microsoft would put it. Businesses are offering generative AI tools as assistants for their main products. In the last few months, we have seen such tools emerge for basically every Microsoft product, Google Workspace, Google Search, Adobe Photoshop, and more.

And now, Twitter executive chief Elon Musk has also entered the generative AI race, after he announced the formation of xAI to understand the “reality of the universe”. In a live audio session, he also explained that he will be launching a generative AI, which will not be politically correct and will not shy away from speaking the truth. Although nothing is known at the moment, this AI chatbot can be used for Twitter as well as Tesla cars.

And businesses believe that they have just scratched the surface so far. In the months and years to come, generative AI can be responsible for building software, making movies, taking over unmanned spacecraft and rovers that explore space, and much more.


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