AC bill blues? These 5 AC tricks will reduce your electricity bill


Whether it is hot outside or humid in nature, the first thing that we turn on is the AC! As the summer season arrives, it’s natural for the usage of your air conditioner to increase. However, this heightened usage can also have an impact on your electricity bill. After all, you have to pay the cost of comfort! However, using your AC carelessly can take a toll on the monthly savings. If you are worried about the AC electricity bill, then it is important to know how much power your AC is using so that you can plan the usage correctly by sticking to your budget. To begin with, here is how to calculate AC power consumption.

How to calculate AC power consumption

How much power does your AC consume? How many units of electricity your AC will use up in a month? It depends on various factors, including its power rating, device efficiency, and duration of usage. To calculate the average energy consumption in a month, a simple formula can be applied:

  • Multiply the AC power (in kW) by the daily usage time and then by 30 or 31 (depending on the days in the month).

Let’s understand this with an example: consider a 5 kW AC running for approximately 10 hours per day. To determine the electricity bill, you will need to multiply the cost per unit by the average units consumed by your AC in a month. That means, in a month consisting of 30 days, the AC would consume approximately 1500 units of power.

You can also use the BSES energy calculator to determine the AC power consumption of your AC.

Tips to keep your electricity bill in control while using AC

1. Use wisely: Running an air conditioner continuously throughout the day places significant strain on both the overall unit and its individual components. Turn if off when it is not required or when the room has reached a comfortable temperature.

2. Regular service: Clean the AC filters in a timely manner or call AC maintenance service providers to check the availability of gas or problem with oil and lubrication.

3. Ideal temperature: We get it, the blazing summer time of 40-45 degrees Celsius can be really frustrating. But if you will keep your AC around 16-20 degrees Celsius, then it will take a lot of load, which means high power consumption. Setting a temperature around 25 degree Celsius will help in decreasing power consumption without compromising on comfort.

4. AC placement: Not just maintenance or cooling, but where you place your AC in a room is also a crucial factor to determine the power consumption. Keep it away from direct sunlight.

5. Keep the room closed: If you keep your room closed and sealed while using AC, then it will help you to cool the room faster.


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