5 ways to combat surge in data breaches in Telecom industry


The world is going through a significant transition led by technology. Undoubtedly, these developments have made our lives more convenient than ever. After all, there is almost nothing that we can’t do at our fingertips.

However, the other side of this story presents a contradictory situation. The digital advancements we boast of also lead to cyber risks, as most businesses and organizations continue their operations without a robust cybersecurity infrastructure. One industry that is particularly susceptible to these risks is the telecommunications sector.

As the key facilitators of digital services, telecom companies are responsible for managing extensive volumes of highly sensitive customer data, making them prime targets for malicious actors. A breach in a telecom company not only compromises the privacy of countless individuals but also engenders severe repercussions for businesses and national security.

Before moving ahead, let’s understand the various types of cyber risks. To begin with, Advanced Persistent Threats, or APTs, are sophisticated cyber threats orchestrated by well-funded cyber threat groups. These attacks aim to steal sensitive data or disrupt operations.

Remote Desktop Protocol, or RDP, is a protocol that enables remote computer access. Threat actors exploit vulnerabilities in this protocol using malware to carry out RDP attacks. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks overload networks with traffic, rendering them inaccessible to legitimate users. Threat actors frequently employ DDoS attacks, making them one of the most prevalent threats in the telecom industry.

Improving Cyber Hygiene

Enhancing “cyber hygiene” is crucial to protect businesses from cyber-attacks. Service providers can raise the barriers for threat actors trying to breach systems by implementing basic security measures such as promptly patching software vulnerabilities, using strong passwords, and encrypting sensitive data.

Conducting Regular Risk Assessments

Regularly assessing networks and systems helps identify vulnerabilities before threat actors can exploit them. By proactively addressing weaknesses, telecom companies can bolster their cybersecurity defenses.

Implementing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

MFA adds an additional layer of security by requiring users to provide extra verification before accessing sensitive data or systems. This could involve using an additional code sent via SMS or email. Users’ accounts are significantly less likely to be compromised by using MFA.

Educating Employees

Cybersecurity awareness among employees is paramount. Regular training sessions on best practices and common threats equip employees to effectively identify and mitigate potential risks. By fostering a cybersecurity-conscious workforce, telecom companies can bolster their defense against cyberattacks.

Partnering with Leading Cybersecurity Experts

Collaborating with an MSSP allows telecom companies to offload the burden of managing their security posture. MSSPs provide 24/7 monitoring and incident response services, ensuring prompt action against cyber threats.

Wrapping Up

The telecom industry plays a pivotal role in the digital transformation of various sectors. As technology evolves, so do the cybersecurity risks telecom organizations face. To effectively address these risks, telecom companies must establish comprehensive and robust cyber resilience frameworks.

By adopting strong data governance practices, implementing advanced security controls, and prioritizing customer-centric services, telecom service providers can emerge as trusted enablers of digital transformation while ensuring the security and privacy of their customer’s data.

By Raj Sivaraju, President, APAC, Arete


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