5 things about AI you may have missed today: IBM report on AI in India, UAE backs Sam Altman vision on AI, and more


UAE backs Sam Altman’s vision, aims to lead the world on AI regulation; IBM report reveals 59% of Indian enterprises actively using AI; Microsoft pledges $3.44 billion investment in Germany, focusing on AI boost; Google unveils internal AI ‘Goose’ to accelerate employee coding efficiency- this and more in our daily roundup. Let us take a look.

1. UAE aims to lead in AI regulation

The UAE aims to lead in AI testing and regulation, aligning with OpenAI’s CEO Sam Altman’s vision. UAE’s Minister of State for AI, Omar Al Olama, sees potential for the country to be a global hub for pragmatic AI regulation. Altman, courting Middle East investors, envisions the UAE as a regulatory sandbox for experimenting with AI technologies and setting global rules. Concerns about UAE-China ties prompted Emirati AI company G42 to scale back in China, emphasising strong US partnership, according to Al Olama, Bloomberg reported.

2. IBM report reveals 59% of Indian enterprises actively using AI

Approximately 59 percent of Indian enterprise-scale organisations have integrated AI into their operations, as per an IBM report. While this signals positive AI adoption, Sandip Patel, Managing Director of IBM India & South Asia, highlights the need for increased deployment at scale. The study also emphasises the significance of data and AI governance tools to ensure responsible AI models, preventing potential issues such as data privacy concerns and ethical complications, the Indian Express reported.

3. Microsoft pledges $3.44 billion investment in Germany, focusing on AI boost

Microsoft plans a 3.2 billion euro ($3.44 billion) investment in Germany over the next two years, focusing on artificial intelligence. This significant boost to Europe’s largest economy aims to double AI and data centre infrastructure capacity, along with expanding training programs. Microsoft President Brad Smith expresses confidence in Germany’s technological prowess, emphasising its strong position in creating AI-based applications. Chancellor Olaf Scholz sees this as a vote of confidence amid the country’s economic challenges and ongoing efforts to enhance business appeal, according to a report by Reuters.

4. Google unveils internal AI ‘Goose’ to accelerate employee coding efficiency

Google introduces an internal AI model called ‘Goose’ to boost employee efficiency in coding, according to leaked documents. Developed as a descendant of the large language model Gemini, Goose is trained on 25 years of Google’s engineering expertise. It can answer Google-specific tech questions, write code using internal tech stacks, and supports natural language prompt-based code editing. This move aligns with Google’s broader efficiency efforts, utilising AI across the product development process, Business Insider reported.

5. Over 39% of veterinary professionals embrace AI tools, reveals Digitail and AAHA survey

Digitail and the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) conducted a study on AI adoption in veterinary medicine. Findings from 3968 veterinary professionals reveal that 39.2 percent use AI tools in their practice, with 69.5 percent of those reporting daily or weekly use. AI applications focus on imaging, administrative tasks, and voice-to-text transcription, providing benefits such as improved productivity and time savings. The study suggests a growing recognition of AI’s advantages in the veterinary field, PR Newswire reported.


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