5 Smart Tips To Master the Art Of Making Soft Bajra Roti


With every changing season, our dietary preferences also evolve. The winter season, in particular, is hailed for its diverse culinary delights, with an abundance of greens and various grains taking centre stage. Many Indian households prepare a variety of parathas and rotis during this season, often pairing them with greens or other vegetables. While Makki ki Roti is a popular choice during winter, some people also relish Bajra roti. Millet, a key ingredient in Bajra roti, offers warmth in cold weather and sustains energy levels, making it an ideal addition to your winter diet. Moreover, it aids in weight management.

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While there are various dishes you can prepare with millet during the winter season, Bajra roti, also known as Bhakri, remains a favourite. However, many individuals encounter challenges while making millet roti, leading to issues like breakage or hardness. If you’ve faced such problems, we bring you some easy tips to ensure you make soft and perfect Bajra roti, enhancing your enjoyment in this cold season.

Here are 5 Important Tips to Make Perfect Bajra Roti:

1. Always Use Fresh Flour

When making Bajra roti, it’s crucial to use fresh flour. Avoid using stored flour, as using old flour can adversely affect the quality of your roti.

2. Do Not Knead All the Dough at Once

Contrary to making wheat roti, avoid kneading all the Bajra flour together. Knead only the amount required for each roti. Kneading all the flour together can result in a loose consistency, causing difficulties in rolling and baking the roti.

3. Knead the Dough Thoroughly

The key to soft Bajra roti lies in how well you knead the dough. Ensure thorough kneading for 2 to 3 minutes. This process contributes to softening the dough and, consequently, the roti.

4. Use Lukewarm Water

While normal water suffices for kneading wheat flour, opt for lukewarm water when working with Bajra flour. This imparts elasticity to the dough, resulting in softer rotis.

5. Bake Roti on Medium Flame

When preparing Bajra Roti, heat the pan well and then reduce the flame to medium before placing the roti on it. Cooking on high heat may leave the roti undercooked inside, while low heat can cause it to stick to the pan and become hard. Maintain a medium flame for optimal results.

This winter, if you’re making Bajra roti at home, remember these easy tips for a delightful cooking experience.

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Happy cooking!

About PayalFood in the mind, Bollywood in the heart – these two things often shimmer in Payal’s writing. Besides penning thoughts, Payal enjoys a playful tango with new and delicious recipes. Roaming around is her jam; whether catching up on the latest flicks or grooving to the beat, Payal knows how to keep her empty moments brimming with flavour and rhythm.


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