147-foot asteroid hurtling towards Earth today at 38232 kmph, NASA maps threat


Have you ever wondered how dangerous an asteroid can be? Well, know that it can bring massive, planet-wide, destruction. Notably, the extinction of dinosaurs from planet Earth is believed to be because of an asteroid collision with the planet. The intensity of the impact of an asteroid collision depends on its size and speed too. And now, NASA has alerted of a giant 147 foot asteroid which is hurtling towards Earth at a rapid speed. How dangerous is it? Here is what NASA informs.

Asteroid 2015 EG

Every day, one or more asteroids zoom towards planet Earth and get too close for comfort. On Saturday, March 4, a giant 147-foot asteroid called Asteroid 2015 EG is said to come close to the planet at a distance of 5325998 kilometers, according to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. As per the information, the rock measures between 20 meter and 45 meters, around 147 feet. Also, the huge asteroid is moving at a rapid speed of 38232 kilometers per hour (10.62 km/s).

Notably, the asteroid will simply pass by the planet. However, as the asteroid’s trajectory can change due to unforeseen circumstances, NASA constantly monitors the same constantly. According to a report by space.com, NASA and other observatories around the world keep on scanning the skies for potentially hazardous near-Earth objects, and thousands have already been found. However, NASA estimates that at least 17000 big near-Earth asteroids are yet to be discovered.

How NASA studies and tracks asteroids

There are several technologies and equipment used by the research organisation for tracking and monitoring asteroids. NASA’s Next-Generation Asteroid Impact Monitoring System improves the capabilities of NASA JPL’s Center for Near Earth Object Studies to assess the impact risk of asteroids. The research organisation also uses telescopes to monitor asteroids.


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