10 Best Night Sky Events this year 2023-Perseid Meteor Shower, Venus, Saturn to Jupiter


People on Earth will bear witness to some stunning night sky events this year but none will be better than these 10. Check out the 10 Best Night Sky Events this year 2023.

Earth was witness to stunning night sky events throughout 2022. Eclipses, meteor showers, blood moons and other phenomena were a sight to behold. It seems like 2023 is set to follow the trend as there are some spectacular night sky events which will take place as the year goes on. Astronomers, astrophotographers and passionate sky watchers are in for a treat as comets, meteor showers, lunar eclipses, blood moons and more will showcase stunning visuals in the blanket of darkness.

Though most of these phenomena can be watched with naked eyes, some of them will only be visible if the weather conditions are right and the skies are clear. There are more than 10 night sky events which our planet will witness. Want to know when and where to watch these sights?

10 Best Night Sky Events this year 2023

1. Venus and Saturn shine close to each other – 22 January

Although you can see 4 planets in the night sky with naked eyes at the start of the year, this event will particularly be special as Venus and Saturn will appear close to each other and will shine in conjunction.

2. Comet C/2022E3 (ZTF) – Late January/Early February

Comet C/2022E3 (ZTF) can be viewed through a telescope right now. However, as the month goes on, it will be visible to the naked eye during the night between Late January and Early February. It is now sweeping across the northern constellation Corona Borealis in predawn skies.

3. Jupiter and Venus convergence – 1 March

The first day of March will see Jupiter and Venus converge. Both of these are the brightest planets and shining in convergence will be a sight to behold.

4. Hybrid Solar Eclipse – 20 April

The dark shadow of the Moon will meet the first solar eclipse of 2023 as it sweeps across Indonesia and the Northeast part of the world, making it a hybrid solar eclipse.

5. Perseid Meteor Shower – 12 August

The Perseid Meteor Shower is an annual meteor shower which is active from mid-July to September every year. Although the Perseids last from July to September, they peak in mid-August when the most stunning visuals are seen in the night sky.

6. Moon passing Antares Star – 24 August

On August 24, the Moon will hide behind one of the brightest stars in the sky, known as Antares. This is known as Occultation. People living in the Eastern United States will bear witness to this amazing phenomenon.

7. Full Moon – 30 August

A supermoon phenomenon will coincide with the biggest full moon of this year as the moon will turn its biggest on 30 August around 9:36 PM EDT.

8. Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse – October 14

This phenomenon is known as the Ring of Fire as the Moon is too small to cover the Sun, leaving a ring-like figure of the Sun visible to people.

9. Moon and Venus shine together – 9 November

November 9 will witness an amazing sight in the East- Northeastern skies as the Moon and Venus will shine together. Not just a part, but the whole shadow of the crescent Moon will be visible, giving a glow which is known as Earthshine.

10. Geminids Meteor Shower – 13 December

The Geminids shower originates from the debris of 3200 Phaethon, an asteroid. Phaethon orbits the Sun every 1.4 years and every year Earth passes through its trail of debris, resulting in the Geminids shower.


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