Want a successful business like Apple’s? Let Steve Jobs help


Steve Jobs, Apple’s co-founder has advised people to make mistakes in order to grow as things get more refined as you make mistakes. Check details.

Apple is one of the most successful companies in the world. People eagerly wait to know about its upcoming product launches. From iPhone, iPad, MacBook to smartwatches, all these Apple products are loved by all. But do you know the secret behind Apple’s success? Steve Jobs, Apple’s co-founder, has an advice which teaches how to build a great business. Jobs shared the advice during a conversation in 1984 with Moritz, a reporter at that time covering Silicon Valley.

During the interview, Steve argued that his aesthetic sense was not superior to anyone else’s. What set him apart, he said, was his willingness to be stubborn in pursuit of excellence, as informed by stevejobsarchive.com. Jobs said, “Things get more refined as you make mistakes and do them. So I’ve had a chance to make a lot of mistakes. Your aesthetics get better as you make mistakes.”

“But a real big thing is, the way I’ve always felt is, that if you’re going to make something, it doesn’t take any more energy–and rarely does it take more money–to make it really great. All it takes is a little more time. Not that much more. And a willingness to do so: a willingness to persevere until it’s really great,” he added.

From the message given by Jobs, it can be said that he was not afraid of making mistakes and learning from them. He even added that one should also have the willingness to keep on trying even if they fail. Having patience and believing in the power of time.

How this theory helped Jobs to establish Apple

According to a report by Inc, back in the year 2001, Jobs had already begun Apple’s turnaround. However, the company faced an unexpected dilemma. Apple had just released the iPod and became an overnight sensation. But, the dilemma was, Apple was next planning to make cell phones with MP3 players inside it, which will lead to getting iPods obsolete.

“And herein lay the problem: Apple didn’t make cell phones. To avoid losing market share, designers quickly got to work on the first prototype of an Apple cell phone,” the report said. Tony Fadell, one of the original designers, described it as “an iPod with a phone module, if you wanted to dial a number, it was like using a rotary dial,” as quoted by Inc.

As the prototype was not liked or approved, Jobs scrapped the entire project. “He pulled up plans from 1993’s Apple Newton–the company’s first attempt at a touchscreen device (and one of its biggest flops of all time),” the report added. A decade later and due to the enhancement of technology and touchscreen research Jobs felt that this plan could work. “Maybe this is the phone,” he said. And the rest is known to the world!


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