US President Joe Biden issues extraordinary executive order on AI risk; 10 points to know


US President Joe Biden took the first significant steps towards regulating artificial intelligence (AI), which has become a global discussion point at this stage. He has signed an unprecedented executive order that seeks to govern the way AI is being used by corporates. As per a report, this executive order seeks to balance the needs of tech companies with national security and consumer rights, creating an early set of guardrails that could be fortified by legislation and global agreements. Check the 10 important points from this order.

Biden signs executive order on AI risks

The following rules have been implemented:

1. Developers of the most powerful AI systems must share their safety test results and other critical information with the U.S. government.

2. The National Institute of Standards and Technology will develop standards, tools, and tests to help ensure that AI systems are safe, secure, and trustworthy.

3. Agencies that fund life-science projects will establish these standards to protect against the risks of using AI to engineer dangerous biological materials by developing strong new standards for biological synthesis screening.

4. The Department of Commerce will develop guidance for content authentication and watermarking to clearly label AI-generated content.

5. The US government will establish an advanced cybersecurity program to develop AI tools to find and fix vulnerabilities in critical software.

6. The development of a National Security Memorandum that directs further actions on AI and security, to be developed by the National Security Council and White House Chief of Staff.

7. To protect Americans’ privacy by prioritizing federal support for accelerating the development and use of privacy-preserving techniques—including ones that use cutting-edge AI and that let AI systems be trained while preserving the privacy of the training data.

8. To strengthen privacy-preserving research and technologies, such as cryptographic tools that preserve individuals’ privacy, by funding a Research Coordination Network to advance rapid breakthroughs and development.

9. To address algorithmic discrimination through training, technical assistance, and coordination between the Department of Justice and Federal civil rights offices on best practices for investigating and prosecuting civil rights violations related to AI.

10. To ensure fairness throughout the criminal justice system by developing best practices on the use of AI in sentencing, parole and probation, pretrial release and detention, risk assessments, surveillance, crime forecasting and predictive policing, and forensic analysis.


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