More solar flare eruptions, and a CME increase Earth’s solar storm troubles, reveals NASA
It has been three days of non-stop solar activity from the Sun, and it does not appear to slow down anytime soon. After a minor solar storm on Monday and three different solar flare eruptions on Tuesday, the last 24 hours have also been filled with similar activity. Another solar flare, stronger than any we have seen this week, erupted yesterday, December 6, and a separate ‘sigmoid eruption' may have hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) towards the Earth, data from NASA has shown. The latter can spark a solar storm on December 9, as per early forecast. The prediction models will be able to give us a better picture in the hours to come.According to a post by the official X account of Space Weather Live, a moderate M2.35 solar flare erupted 7 hours ago, triggering a short-wave radi...