Tag: solar storm NOAA

Solar storm ALERT! Magnetic filament erupts on the Sun; CME to strike tomorrow, NASA says

Solar storm ALERT! Magnetic filament erupts on the Sun; CME to strike tomorrow, NASA says

[ad_1] The last ten days have been quite uneventful in terms of Earth-directed solar activity. This was strange given there are still 6 sunspot regions present on our planet's side of the Sun. And even as the Sun nears the peak of its solar cycle in 2025, the last month has passed without any significant eruptions. But with September coming in, solar activities have again picked up. Recently, a massive magnetic filament erupted in the northern hemisphere of the Sun. The eruption resulted in a large cloud of coronal mass ejection (CME) being hurled at the Earth. NASA has confirmed that the CME will strike our planet on September 2.According to a report by SpaceWeather.com, “A magnetic filament on the sun erupted during the late hours of Aug. 30th, opening a "canyon of fire" in the sun's ...
Solar storm ALERT! Debris from a magnetic filament eruption to strike Earth soon

Solar storm ALERT! Debris from a magnetic filament eruption to strike Earth soon

[ad_1] The Sun was quiet for almost two weeks. This was a first for 2023 which has witnessed frequent solar storms, solar flare eruptions, and incoming waves of solar winds. In fact, before this, the longest period we went without any Earth-directed solar activity was one week, which occurred in April. But now, the Sun has sprung back into action as a magnetic filament erupted on the southwestern limb on August 23. During the eruption, solar material was released into space and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has predicted that the cloud of solar debris will hit the Earth on Sunday, August 27 sparking a solar storm.According to a report by SpaceWeather.com, “A magnetic filament erupted near the sun's southwestern limb on Aug. 23rd (movie). The debris might gra...
BEWARE! A deadly solar storm is coming towards Earth; NOAA confirms it will hit

BEWARE! A deadly solar storm is coming towards Earth; NOAA confirms it will hit

[ad_1] Yesterday, it was reported that a long-duration solar flare eruption in the unstable sunspot region of AR3363 released a fast-moving coronal mass ejection (CME), that was found to be very intense. However, it was hard to determine whether it will hit the Earth or not. Today, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) prediction models have confirmed that the CME will deliver a glancing blow to the Earth tomorrow, July 19. However, it cannot be stated just how devastating the resultant solar storm could be.According to a SpaceWeather.com report, “NOAA models confirm that a CME will graze Earth's magnetic field on July 20th. It came from yesterday's potent M6-class eruption in the magnetic canopy of sunspot AR3363”. The report further added that there is a possibili...
BEWARE! Solar storm to strike Earth today, NOAA warns

BEWARE! Solar storm to strike Earth today, NOAA warns

[ad_1] A solar storm is coming for the Earth today, July 14. The forecasters of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have given a warning that a G1-class geomagnetic storm will hit our planet sometime later in the day. The solar storm event has been triggered by a coronal mass ejection (CME) cloud that was released from the Sun during a solar flare eruption on July 11. Researchers are constantly observing the development of the situation as it is feared that solar winds can also amplify the conditions and make the solar storm stronger.What is a solar storm?According to NASA, solar storms are the endpoint of all solar activities that impact the Earth. When the strong electromagnetic fields released from solar flares or CMEs reach our planet, its magnetic fields coll...
Solar storm today! Earth will be hit by a massive CME cloud, warns NOAA; geomagnetic storm likely

Solar storm today! Earth will be hit by a massive CME cloud, warns NOAA; geomagnetic storm likely

[ad_1] This week's solar storm prediction models had earlier claimed that today, July 1, was likely to be the worst affected by solar activities. The prediction is likely to come true as a coronal mass ejection (CME) is expected to hit the Earth and deliver a glancing blow later today. This solar storm event is arriving after a bit of a quiet period where Earth escaped as many as three CME hits. Researchers are concerned about the intensity of the storm as well as its adverse effects on satellites and wireless communication infrastructure.According to a report by SpaceWeather.com, “NOAA forecasters say that a CME might graze Earth's magnetic field on July 1st. It was launched into space three days ago by an erupting magnetic filament in the sun's northern hemisphere”. A similar report b...
Solar storm looming over Earth as POWERFUL solar flares set to explode today, says NOAA

Solar storm looming over Earth as POWERFUL solar flares set to explode today, says NOAA

[ad_1] After an unremarkable weekend, solar activity is again picking up speed. Last week, we witnessed two separate radio blackout events triggered by an X-class solar flare and an M-class solar flare. While the CME escaped the Earth and no solar storms were to be seen, this week the fear is far greater. A sunspot in Earth's view named AR3340 has gone unstable and is now harboring a delta-class magnetic field, which is a big catalyst for solar flare eruptions. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has predicted that an M-class solar flare can erupt today. Such eruptions are also accompanied by coronal mass ejections (CME), that are fully capable of bringing a powerful solar storm to the Earth.According to a report by SpaceWeather.com, “Growing sunspot AR3340 has de...
Solar storm ALERT! Dangerous CME cloud to strike the Earth today, confirms NOAA

Solar storm ALERT! Dangerous CME cloud to strike the Earth today, confirms NOAA

[ad_1] Just yesterday, a NASA model revealed the massive coronal mass ejection (CME) cloud that was released from the blast site of the X1-class solar flare eruption that was going to hit both Mars and Venus. Now, a new model from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has revealed that the Earth will also get blasted by the cloud today, June 23. Shockingly, NASA had stated that the CME is so strong that a part of Venus' atmosphere might erode as a result of the impact. It cannot be assessed at the moment just how strong the blow can be for our planet.According to a report by SpaceWeather.com, “NOAA forecasters say there is a chance of minor G1-class geomagnetic storms late on June 23rd when a CME might hit Earth's magnetic field. This is the same CME hurled into spa...
Six SCARY sunspots glaring at the Earth today; NOAA gives solar storm warning

Six SCARY sunspots glaring at the Earth today; NOAA gives solar storm warning

[ad_1] The Earth got lucky once again as it narrowly missed the incoming coronal mass ejection (CME) cloud and escaped what could have been a terrifying solar storm event. This is the third time in two months that the Earth has barely escaped being sideswiped by a CME wave. But how long can this luck actually last? That is what astronomers are wondering as six giant sunspots are facing the Earth. With such a high number of active regions on the Sun, it seems inevitable that one of them will blast a CME that can cause a solar storm of terrifying intensity. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has given its prediction, so let us take a look at that.As per a SpaceWeather.com report, “With every visible sunspot in decay, NOAA forecasters have lowered the chances of sol...
Unstable sunspot explodes, sparks BLACKOUTS on Earth; Solar storm in the offing?

Unstable sunspot explodes, sparks BLACKOUTS on Earth; Solar storm in the offing?

[ad_1] The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported on Monday that the high number of sunspots on the Earth-facing side of the Sun can become a concern as some of them could go unstable. One of the sunspots, AR3327, has finally developed a delta-class magnetic field that is considered highly reactive and dangerous. In the late hours of June 7, it exploded erupting an M4.5-class solar flare. The flare was strong enough to send strong ultraviolet radiation to Earth and spark a shortwave radio blackout over the African continent. There are fears that further solar flare eruptions are possible that can cause a potentially terrifying solar storm for the Earth.As per a report by SpaceWeather.com, “Sunspot AR3327 has developed an unstable 'delta-class' magnetic field tha...
As NOAA issues WARNING for solar storm today, new sunspot sparks fears for blackouts

As NOAA issues WARNING for solar storm today, new sunspot sparks fears for blackouts

[ad_1] After almost three weeks of remaining relatively dormant, the solar activity is ramping up again. In the last few days, multiple new developments have created a concern for astronomers and researchers. First on the list is the emergence of a new sunspot that has been spotted on the southeastern limb of the Sun. It has already exploded once, producing an M4-class solar flare that sparked radio blackouts on Earth on May 31. As it now moves to face the Earth, fears of intense solar storms are at an all-time high.In separate news, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) forecasters have issued a warning for a solar storm today, June 2. According to a report by SpaceWeather.com, “NOAA forecasters say that minor G1-class geomagnetic storms are possible on June 2nd wh...