Tag: skin care diet

Puffy Face, No More! 7 Smart Tricks To Avoid Bloating On Face

Puffy Face, No More! 7 Smart Tricks To Avoid Bloating On Face

[ad_1] Picture this - you have a big day ahead, and you wake up with a puffy face. Such a bummer, isn't it? The worst part is that no amount of makeup helps you fix the situation and make you look bright and glowing. So, what do you do then? A quick search on the internet will tell you to dip your face in ice water. We agree this celebrity-endorsed hack works wonders, but it is just a temporary solution. You can't surely think of doing this during winter. Right? This is why we found you some sustainable diet and lifestyle habits that may help you go a long way. These healthy tips are shared by nutritionist Simrun Chopra on her official Instagram handle.Also Read: Foods For Healthy Skin: Discover The 5 Best And Worst Foods For Your SkinWhat Does A Puffy Face Indicate? Reasons Why Your Fac...
Want Healthy And Glowing Skin? Buy These 5 Foods And Earn Rewards Of Up To 20%

Want Healthy And Glowing Skin? Buy These 5 Foods And Earn Rewards Of Up To 20%

[ad_1] Healthy and glowing skin is something that we all desire. We make sure to buy all the latest skincare products on the market to help achieve this. They may prove to be beneficial, but for long-lasting results, what you eat on a regular basis is equally important as what you apply to it. Now, we know that figuring out which foods are best for your skin can be a bit confusing. That's exactly why we're here to help you out. Here, we have enlisted some of the best foods that you can incorporate into your diet to achieve that healthy glow you've always desired. That's not all, if you buy these foods from MORE using the NDTV Big Bonus App, you receive gift coupons on your purchases and up to 20% in rewards on the app. Download the NDTV Big Bonus App from the App Store or Google Play, re...
Start Your Morning Right! 5 Nourishing Drinks For Healthy And Glowing Skin

Start Your Morning Right! 5 Nourishing Drinks For Healthy And Glowing Skin

[ad_1] Isn't it disappointing when you find your skin looking dull even after following a proper skincare routine? For most of us, skin care means investing in fancy creams and ointments. They may be helpful, but if you only focus on using them, you may not get permanent solutions. To achieve healthy and radiant skin, it's important to pay equal attention to the types of foods and drinks we consume on a daily basis. This is particularly true for mornings as this is the time when our skin needs the maximum amount of nourishment. Unfortunately, tea and coffee are the most consumed beverages in the morning. They may help awaken your senses, but what we don't realise is the amount of damage they cause to our skin. Instead, we should opt for healthier alternatives that help nourish our skin f...
Skin Health: 5 Amazing Benefits Of Broccoli For Skin You Need To Know

Skin Health: 5 Amazing Benefits Of Broccoli For Skin You Need To Know

[ad_1] Skincare is something that shouldn't be ignored at all costs. If we do not take proper care of our skin, it'll end up looking dull, dehydrated, and lacking the natural glow that makes it look healthy. And no one wants that, right? Contrary to what most people think, skin care is not all about investing in fancy products that burn a hole in your pocket. There's no doubt that they do help provide nourishment to your skin, but they're not the best option to rely on if you want long-lasting results. In order to nourish your skin naturally, you must pay equal attention to the type of food you consume on a daily basis. Including certain fruits and vegetables in your diet can make a huge difference in how your skin looks. Broccoli is one such vegetable that is known to have remarkable be...
What To Eat To Avoid Acne? Here Are 6 Nutritionist-Approved Food Options

What To Eat To Avoid Acne? Here Are 6 Nutritionist-Approved Food Options

[ad_1] When we think of skin problems, pimples and acne often come to mind. Acne is an evident sign that our skin is not as healthy as it seems. Not only does it affect our appearance in the short run, but it can also lead to other issues and blemishes if left untackled. You may try all sorts of home remedies and skin creams to combat acne. But if you are not mindful of your diet, your efforts might be in vain. Your skin health is also affected by your nutrient intake (or lack thereof). Celebrity nutritionist Lovneet Batra recently shared some important pointers on this topic.What Causes Acne?When the pores of your skin are blocked by oil, bacteria or dead skin, you may notice breakouts in the form of acne. A variety of factors including diet, hormonal changes, pre-existing health condit...